Project number 688/2
Project name

Clearing of 17.32 hectares of native vegetation for the purpose of horticulture in the City of Wanneroo.

Project status Current
Proponent(s) Quito Pty Ltd
Project location


Project bioregion(s) Swan Coastal Plain
Assessment criteria (h) the clearing of the vegetation is likely to have an impact on the environmental values of any adjacent or nearby conservation area.
Residual impact

Loss of up to 17.32 hectares of native vegetation in good (Keighery 1994) condition that forms part of a significant continuous vegetation corridor linking several conservation areas.

Offset conditions

1) Fencing

(a) Prior to undertaking any clearing, the Permit Holder shall construct a fence enclosing the area cross hatched green on attached Plan 688/2.
(b) The fence shall be constructed and maintained so as to be adequate to exclude vehicle access and all classes of livestock.

2) Revegetation

(a) The Permit holder shall undertake the following within the revegetation area:
(i) Deliberately plant and/or seed native vegetation in the area cross hatched green on Plan 688/2 that will result in a similar species composition, structure, density and condition of native vegetation in the area to that existing within the area cross hatched red on attached Plan 688/2;
(ii) Ensure only local species seeds and propagating materials are used to revegetate the area.
(b) If for any reason the revegetation undertaken in accordance with condition 2(a) fails, the Permit holder shall implement the requirements of conditions 2(a) again until the revegetation, in the opinion of the CEO, results in a similar species composition, structure, density and condition to vegetation in the area cross hatched red on attached Plan 688/2.
(c) The Permit holder shall complete revegetation required under condition 2(a) by 30 September 2013.

3) Weed control

The Permit Holder shall undertake the following within the areas cross hatched green on attached Plan 688/2:
(i) Selectively remove or kill all invasive weed species during the months of September or October of each and every year;
(ii) Maintain the area so that the total percentage cover of weed species is less than 40%; and
(iii) Calculate the percentage cover of weed species during August of each year.

Statutory process EP Act Clearing (Part V)
Approved project area (ha) 17.32


Date: 2013-01-17 Ministerial statement: None
Condition status: Current
Type(s): Rehabilitation

The offset will result in the rehabilitation of an 11.27 hectare area of native vegetation. The offset will establish native vegetation of a similar species composition, structure, density and condition of native vegetation to that of the surrounding area, and will help to maintain connectivity with nearby conservation areas.

The offset is considered to be relevant and proportionate to the significance of the environmental value being impacted, mitigating the residual impacts of the project.

Security arrangements:

Lot 68 on Plan 57248 is freehold land held by the Permit Holder.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Lot 68 on Plan 57248, (60 Kiln Road) Carabooda, 6033.

Approved offset area (ha): 11.27
Bioregion(s): Swan Coastal Plain
Delivery agent:


Condition Milestone 1 - relates to Permit condition 1(a) and (b)

The Permit Holder shall construct a fence enclosing the area cross hatched green on Plan 688/2 (portion of Lot 68 on Plan 57248). The fence shall be constructed and maintained so as to be adequate to exclude vehicle access and all classes of livestock.


Prior to undertaking any clearing.

Complete: No

Condition Milestone 2 - relates to Permit conditions 2(a) & 2(c)

The Permit holder shall undertake the following within the revegetation area:
(i) Deliberately plant and/or seed native vegetation in the area cross hatched green on Plan 688/2 that will result in a similar species composition, structure, density and condition of native vegetation in the area to that existing within the area cross hatched red on Plan 688/2 (portion of Lot 68 on Plan 57248);
(ii) Ensure only local species seeds and propagating materials are used to revegetate the area.


The Permit holder shall complete revegetation by 30 September 2013.

Complete: No

Condition Milestone 3 - relates to Permit condition 2(b)

If for any reason the revegetation undertaken in accordance with condition 2(a) fails, the Permit holder shall implement the requirements of conditions 2(a) again until the revegetation, in the opinion of the CEO, results in a similar species composition, structure, density and condition to vegetation in the area cross hatched red on Plan 688/2.


For the term of the Permit.

Timeframe (date): 2018-01-28
Complete: No

Condition Milestone 4 - relates to Permit condition 3

The Permit Holder shall undertake the following within the areas cross hatched green on Plan 688/2:
(i) Selectively remove or kill all invasive weed species during the months of September or October of each and every year;
(ii) Maintain the area so that the total percentage cover of weed species is less than 40%; and
(iii) Calculate the percentage cover of weed species during August of each year.


For the term of the Permit.

Timeframe (date): 2018-01-28
Complete: No
  • No implementation milestones defined.