Project number 866/2
Project name

Clearing of 40.5 hectares of native vegetation for the purpose of road upgrades and gravel pits

Project status Complete
Proponent(s) Shire of Nungarin
Project location

Cornish Road Reserve between Nungarin North Road and Chandler-Nungarin Road (6.6ha);
Knungajin Road Reserve between Chandler-Nungarin Road and Cornish Road (6.1ha);
Nungarin North Road Reserve between Danberrin Road and Cornish Road (9.1ha);
Danberrin Road Reserve between Nukarni West Road and Nungarin North Road (6.9ha);
English Road Reserve between Koorda-Bullfinch Road and Chandler-Nungarin Road (3.8ha);
Crown Reserve 19584, (2 hectares);
Crown Reserve 20405, (2 hectares);
Crown Reserve 20449, (2 hectares); and
Crown Reserve 20163 (2 hectares).

Project bioregion(s) Avon Wheatbelt
Assessment criteria (e) it is significant as a remnant of native vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared.
Residual impact

Loss of 15.6 hectares of native vegetation in good (Keighery 1994) condition that is significant as a remnant in an area that has been extensively cleared.

Offset conditions

Condition 9:
(a) The Permit Holder shall prepare an offset proposal having regard to:
(i) the conservation of bushland containing any priority flora species, or comparable conservation values, preferably in the local area;
(ii) the revegetation of land to offset the loss of native vegetation that is significant as a remnant in a highly cleared area; or
(iii) improved management, the protection or conservation of an area of native vegetation, preferably in the local area.
(b) The permit holder shall provide the CEO with an offset proposal for the CEO's approval prior to the commencement of clearing under this clearing permit (CPS 866/2) and prior to implementing the offset.
(c) The permit holder shall implement the offset proposal approved under condition 9 (b).

Statutory process EP Act Clearing (Part V)
Approved project area (ha) 40.5


Date: 2011-09-29 Ministerial statement: None
Condition status: Current
Type(s): Rehabilitation

The offset involves rehabilitation of two Crown Reserves in the Shire of Nungarin. The reserves are located in the immediate vicinity of the clearing areas and the rehabilitation will utilise local provenance species. Therefore it is expected that the rehabilitation will restore significant remnant vegetation in the area.

Security arrangements:

The purpose of Crown Reserve 20163 has been amended from "Gravel Quarrying" to "Landscape Protection".
The purpose of Crown Reserve 20279 is "Gravel Pit and Public Utility".

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Portion of Crown Reserve 20163 (2.5 hectares)
Portion of Crown Reserve 20279 (6 hectares)

Approved offset area (ha): 8.5
Bioregion(s): Avon Wheatbelt
Delivery agent:


Condition Milestone 1 - relates to permit condition 9(b)
The permit holder shall provide the CEO with an offset proposal for the CEO's approval.


Prior to the commencement of clearing under the permit and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 - relates to permit condition 9(c)
The permit holder shall implement the offset proposal approved under condition 9(b).


Refer implementation milestone.

Complete: No

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 2
The Permit Holder is to rehabilitate the 8.5 hectare offset site in accordance with the "Shire of Nungarin Offset Proposal" submitted to the Department on 24 December 2014, which includes, but is not limited to, the following rehabilitation requirements:
Site preparation:
- grading
- contouring
- ripping
- weed control
Vegetation establishment:
- natural regeneration from topsoil (18 species expected to regenerate at a density of 300 stems per hectare)
- planting of at least 17 species at a rate of 1200 stems per hectare
Completion criteria:
- density of 1500 stems per hectare with 70% vegetation cover
- diversity of 25 species
- structure of 20% overstorey, 60% midstorey and 20% understorey
- weed cover of less than 20%
- on-ground visual assessments to record seedling survival, diversity, structure, weed cover and rabbit presence
- six photo points to be established and monitored
Remedial actions:
- weed control
- infill planting
- pest control


Site preparation: 2017
Vegetation establishment: 2018
Monitoring: 6 monthly (July and December) from 2018 to 2021
Remedial actions: as required until 2021

Complete: No