Project number OEPA:38
Project name

Mummaloo Iron Ore project

Project status Current
Proponent(s) Top Iron Pty Ltd (Australian Company Number 146 947 060)
Project location

Mount Gibson Pastoral Lease located approximately halfway between Wubin and Payne’s Find

Project bioregion(s) Avon Wheatbelt
Assessment criteria Terrestrial Fauna
Residual impact

Clearing of up to 300 hectares of fauna habitat within a conservation area

Offset conditions

6-1 In view of the significant residual impacts and risks to an area managed for conservation purposes as a result of implementation of the proposal, the proponent shall contribute funds for improvements in conservation values of terrestrial fauna habitat on the Mount Gibson Pastoral Lease in accordance with the payment schedule pursuant to condition 6-2.

6-2 Pursuant to condition 6-5, the proponent shall provide funding to the Australian Wildlife Conservancy in accordance with the following schedule:
$80,000 per year for five years, with the first payment being made within 12 months of first ground disturbance.

6-3 The proponent shall provide the CEO with evidence of each payment within one month of being paid in accordance with the payment schedule in condition 6-2.

6-4 The proponent shall provide the CEO a report on the expenditure of funds by the Australian Wildlife Conservancy twelve months following the final payment. This report must also include information on improvements in conservation values of terrestrial fauna habitat on the Mount Gibson Pastoral Lease from these activities.

6-5 In the event that the Australian Wildlife Conservancy is unable to implement a fauna habitat conservation project, or that the reports required by condition 6-4 demonstrate that the expenditure of funds by the Australian Wildlife Conservancy are not effective in conserving fauna habitat, the proponent shall provide the balance of any unpaid funds to an alternative project approved by the CEO.

Statutory process EP Act Environmental Impact Assessment (Part IV)
Approved project area (ha) 300.0


Date: 2013-08-15 Ministerial statement: 943
Condition status: Current
Type(s): Offset funds

The Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) has an established history of managing the Mount Gibson Pastoral Lease for conservation purposes since 2001. There are limited conservation reserves in this sub-region, so off-reserve conservation activities are an important supplement to the formal reserve system.

An appropriate value for the offset has been determined based on the costs associated with the AWC’s conservation activities on the Mount Gibson property. The proponent will contribute an amount proportionate to the extent of its impacts. A contribution to an existing conservation program is consistent with the WA Environmental Offsets Policy (2011).

Security arrangements:

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Mount Gibson Pastoral Lease

Approved offset area (ha): None
Bioregion(s): Avon Wheatbelt
Delivery agent:

Australian Wildlife Conservancy


Pursuant to condition 6-5, the proponent shall provide funding to the Australian Wildlife Conservancy in accordance with the following schedule:
$80,000 per year for five years, with the first payment being made within 12 months of first ground disturbance.


Annually for five years commencing within 12 months of first ground disturbance.

Complete: No

The proponent shall provide the CEO with evidence of each payment within one month of being paid in accordance with the payment schedule in condition 6-2.


Within one month of each payment

Complete: No

Payment of first $80,000 to Australian Wildlife Conservancy and evidence provided to OEPA.

The proponent made the payment on 15 August 2014 and provided a copy of the receipt to the OEPA on 4 September 2014.


Within twelve months of first ground disturbance

Complete: Yes