Project number 4433/2
Project name

Busselton Health Campus (clearing of 238 trees)

Project status Current
Proponent(s) Minister for Health
Project location


Project bioregion(s) Swan Coastal Plain
Assessment criteria (b) it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia., (e) it is significant as a remnant of native vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared.
Residual impact

Loss of 238 native trees (from a 6.3 hectare area), including 158 Agonis flexuosa (Peppermint) trees that:
- provide habitat for a population of Western Ringtail Possums.
- are considered significant as a remnant in an area that has been extensively cleared.

Offset conditions

1. Environmental management plan

(a) The Permit Holder must prepare, implement and adhere to a Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan.

(b) The Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan must include:
(i) a plan for managing the impacts, inclusive of an offset proposal implemented in accordance with conditions 1(c) and 1(d) of this permit;
(ii) a table setting out the Permit Holder's commitments to the Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan requirements; and
(iii) a program of monitoring compliance with the Permit Holder's commitments;

(c) Determination of offsets:
(i) in determining the offset to be implemented with respect to a particular area of native vegetation proposed to be cleared under this Permit, the Permit Holder must have regard to the offset principles contained in condition 1(d) of this Permit;
(ii) the Permit Holder shall implement the offset proposal approved under condition 1(c)(iii); and
(iii) each offset proposal shall include a direct offset, timing for implementation of the offset proposal and may additionally include contributing offsets.

(d) For the purpose of this condition, the offset principles are as follows:
(i) direct offsets should directly counterbalance the loss of native vegetation;
(ii) contributing offsets should complement and enhance the direct offsets;
(iii) offsets are implemented only once all avenues to avoid, minimise, rectify or reduce environmental impacts have been exhausted;
(iv) the environmental values, habitat, species, ecological community, physical area, ecosystem, landscape, and hydrology of the offset should be the same as, or better than, that of the area of native vegetation being offset;
(v) a ratio greater than 1:1 should be applied to the size of the area of native vegetation that is offset to compensate for the risk that the offset may fail;
(vi) offsets must entail a robust and consistent assessment process;
(vii) in determining an appropriate offset, consideration should be given to ecosystem function, rarity and type of ecological community, vegetation condition, habitat quality and area of native vegetation cleared;
(viii) the offset should either result in no net loss of native vegetation, or lead to a net gain in native vegetation and improve the condition of the natural environment;
(ix) offsets must satisfy all statutory requirements;
(x) offsets must be clearly defined, documented and audited;
(xi) offsets must ensure a long-term (10-30 year) benefit; and
(xii) an environmental specialist must be involved in the design, assessment and monitoring of offsets.

(e) Once the Permit Holder has developed a Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan, the Permit Holder must provide that Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan to the CEO for the CEO's approval. The clearing to which the Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan relates and the implementation of the Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan shall not take place until the Permit Holder receives approval from the CEO.

(f) If it is necessary to modify the Environmental Management Plan, the Permit Holder must submit the modified plan to the CEO.

(g) A modified Environmental Management Plan must not be implemented until approved by the CEO.

(h) An approved modified Environmental Management Plan supersedes any previous Environmental Management Plan.

Statutory process EP Act Clearing (Part V)
Approved project area (ha)


Date: 2013-08-15 Ministerial statement: None
Condition status: Current
Type(s): Land acquisition, Rehabilitation

The offset site contains the following values:
- Western Ringtail Possum habitat
- vegetation considered significant as a remnant in an area that has been extensively cleared.

This offset, when combined with the rehabilitation of 4.1 hectares identified in offset 2, will result in the rehabilitation of 10.4 hectares of land to a condition better than that of the approved clearing area. The two offsets will include a minimum combined total of 1074 planted Peppermint trees. The security of both offset sites will also be improved.

Given the above, the two offsets combined meet the requirement that an offset should be the same as, or better than, that of the area of native vegetation being cleared. The offsets mitigate the residual impacts, providing a net gain in both Western Ringtail Possum habitat and vegetation considered significant as a remnant in an extensively cleared area.

Security arrangements:

A covenant under Section 15(7)(b) of the Land Administration Act 1997 will be registered on the certificate of Crown land title. The covenant will include the requirement that the offset site is retained and enhanced.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Lot 406 on Plan 216401 West Busselton 6280 (Busselton Health Campus)

Approved offset area (ha): 6.3
Bioregion(s): Swan Coastal Plain
Delivery agent:


Condition Milestone 1 - relates to permit condition 1(e)

Once the Permit Holder has developed a Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan, the Permit Holder must provide that Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the CEO's approval.


The clearing to which the Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan relates and the implementation of the Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan shall not take place until the Permit Holder receives approval from the CEO.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 - relates to permit conditions 1(f) and 1(g)

If it is necessary to modify the Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan, the Permit Holder must submit the modified plan to the CEO.


A modified Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan must not be implemented until approved by the CEO.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 3 - relates to permit conditions 1(a) and 1(h)

The Permit Holder must implement and adhere to the Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan.

Note: An approved modified Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan supersedes any previous Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan.


During and post-construction (up to 10 years post-construction) of the Busselton Health Campus.

Complete: No

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 3

In accordance with the approved Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan, the Department of Health (DoH) is to erect permanent fencing around the perimeter of the offset site. DoH must also ensure that dog-proof fencing is erected along the pedestrian access ways to prevent incursion of dogs into the offset site.


During construction of the Busselton Health Campus.

Complete: No

Implementation Milestone 2 - relates to Condition Milestone 3

In accordance with the approved Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan, DoH is to register a covenant under Section 15(7)(b) of the Land Administration Act 1997 against the certificate of Crown land title with respect to the offset site.


Within 12 months of completion of construction and demolition works at the Busselton Health Campus.

Complete: No

Implementation Milestone 3 - relates to Condition Milestone 3

In accordance with the approved Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan, DoH is to prepare a detailed Busselton Health Campus Revegetation Management Plan that must be submitted to the Federal Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPaC) and approved by the Federal Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities.


Within 6 months of obtaining approval for the project under the Federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 4 - relates to Implementation Milestone 3

DoH is to implement the approved Busselton Health Campus Revegetation Management Plan. The approved plan includes:
- implementation of a weed control programme
- implementation of pest control
- removal of waste materials
- infill planting of no less than 360 Peppermint trees
- infill planting of understorey and middle storey species within areas of good vegetation condition and along the foreshore area
- ceasing of mowing around nominated bush pockets and mulching around them to promote the natural regeneration of Sword Sedge (Lepidosperma gladiatum).
- monitoring twice annually (spring and autumn) during construction and for a minimum of two years post-construction to assess the rehabilitation against the completion criteria
- monitoring of the rehabilitation 5 years and 10 years post-construction to assess the level to which the rehabilitation has contributed to habitat for the Western Ringtail Possum.

Completion criteria include:
- a 90 per cent survival rate for the 360 Peppermint trees (i.e. 324 trees)
- a 75 per cent survival rate for the 2950 revegetation plantings (excludes the 360 Peppermints)
- no woody weeds present within the offset site
- elimination of ten target weeds.

Infill planting will occur if survival rates for the Peppermint trees are not achieved.


During and post-construction (up to 10 years post-construction) of the Busselton Health Campus.

Complete: No
Condition status: Current
Type(s): Rehabilitation

The offset site will be rehabilitated to re-establish/enhance the following values at the offset site:
- Western Ringtail Possum habitat
- vegetation considered significant as a remnant in an area that has been extensively cleared.

This offset, when combined with the rehabilitation of 6.3 hectares identified in offset 1, will result in the rehabilitation of 10.4 hectares of land to a condition better than that of the approved clearing area. The two offsets will include a minimum combined total of 1074 planted Peppermint trees. The security of both offset sites will also be improved.

Given the above, the two offsets combined meet the requirement that an offset should be the same as, or better than, that of the area of native vegetation being cleared. The offsets mitigate the residual impacts, providing a net gain in both Western Ringtail Possum habitat and vegetation considered significant as a remnant in an extensively cleared area.

Security arrangements:

The offset site is part of the Ludlow State Forest vested with the Conservation Commission of WA and will be managed for conservation by the Department of Parks and Wildlife upon expiration of the DoH's rehabilitation commitments. The offset site is proposed to be included within the adjacent Tuart Forest National Park.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Lot 9 on Plan 232754 Ludlow 6280 (Ludlow State Forest)

Approved offset area (ha): 4.1
Bioregion(s): Swan Coastal Plain
Delivery agent:


Condition Milestone 1 - relates to permit condition 1(e)

Once the Permit Holder has developed a Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan, the Permit Holder must provide that Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the CEO's approval.


The clearing to which the Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan relates and the implementation of the Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan shall not take place until the Permit Holder receives approval from the CEO.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 - relates to permit conditions 1(f) and 1(g)

If it is necessary to modify the Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan, the Permit Holder must submit the modified plan to the CEO.


A modified Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan must not be implemented until approved by the CEO.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 3 - relates to permit conditions 1(a) and 1(h)

The Permit Holder must implement and adhere to the Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan.

Note: An approved modified Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan supersedes any previous Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan.


10 years post construction of the Busselton Health Campus

Complete: No

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 3

In accordance with the approved Western Ringtail Possum Management Plan, DoH is to prepare and submit to DSEWPaC for approval a Tuart Forest National Park Rehabilitation Plan for at least 4 hectares within the Tuart Forest National Park.


Within 6 months of obtaining approval for the project under the Federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 2 - relates to Implementation Milestone 1

DoH to undertake the following in accordance with the approved Tuart Forest National Park Rehabilitation Plan:

Site preparation:
- removal of stumps and dead trees
- burning of dead materials to assist with creation of ash layer for planting of Tuarts (Eucalyptus gomphocephala)
- ripping of site
- weed and pest control
- fencing.

Vegetation establishment:
- planting of at least 1000 Peppermint trees
- planting of at least 1000 Tuart trees
- planting of middle storey species at a minimum rate of 1000 plants per hectare
- planting of understorey species at a minimum rate of 2000 plants per hectare
- seeding at a rate of 2 kilograms per hectare (if seed is left over from propagation activities).

Monitoring (type 1):
- monitor the survival rates of the Tuarts and Peppermints
- monitor the survival rates of other native species
- monitor weeds present and signs of pest animal species.

Monitoring (type 2):
- undertake monitoring to assess the level to which the rehabilitation has contributed to habitat for the Western Ringtail Possum.

Contingencies (if completion criteria are not met):
- infill planting
- further weed and/or pest control if required.

The completion criteria include:
- a 75 per cent survival rate for the Tuart and Peppermint trees (i.e. 750 each)
- a 75 per cent survival rate for all other species (i.e. 11,325 plants)
- reduction in the affected area and population density of Zantedeschia aethiopica (Arum Lily) and Trachyandra divaricata (Dune Onion Weed) by more than 80%.


Site preparation - Prior to initial planting activities in 2014.
Vegetation establishment - May to June 2014.
Monitoring (type 1) - twice annually (spring and autumn) for a minimum of two years after initial planting (i.e. until May 2016).
Monitoring (type 2) - once 5 years post construction and once 10 years post construction of the Busselton Health Campus.
Contingencies - for two years after initial planting (i.e. until June 2016).

Complete: No