Project number 185/7
Project name

State-wide Purpose Permit Activities

Project status Current
Proponent(s) Water Corporation
Project location

Refer to residual impact field for a list of projects and their location details

Project bioregion(s) Avon Wheatbelt, Jarrah Forest
Assessment criteria (a) it comprises a high level of biological diversity., (b) it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia., (d) it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a threatened ecological community., (e) it is significant as a remnant of native vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared., (h) the clearing of the vegetation is likely to have an impact on the environmental values of any adjacent or nearby conservation area.
Residual impact


Project name: Narembeen Pump Station and Water Supply Main Upgrade
Project location: Between the intersection of Roach Road and Tank Road North and the Narembeen townsite. The pipeline predominantly occurs alongside Roach Road and Merredin Narembeen Road.
Approved project area: 1.93ha
Project bioregion: Avon Wheatbelt
Assessment criteria: Clearing Principle A - it comprises a high level of biological diversity, Clearing Principle D - it comprises the whole or part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a threatened ecological community, Clearing Principle E - it is significant as a remnant of native vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared
Residual impact: Loss of up to 1.93 hectares of native vegetation in very good to completely degraded (Keighery 1994) condition that:
- comprises a high level of biological diversity in the context of the surrounding extensively cleared landscape;
- includes up to 0.85 hectares of the 'Eucalypt Woodlands of the Western Australian Wheatbelt' threatened ecological community; and
- is significant as a remnant in an area that has been extensively cleared (majority mapped as Beard vegetation association 1023 which retains 11 per cent of its pre-European extent).
Related offset(s): 1


Project name: Stirling Dam to Harris Dam (West Bingham Tank) Pipeline - Version 2
Project location: Harris River State Forest (State Forest 15 - PIN 11182057), Hoffman
Approved project area: 15.2ha
Project bioregion: Jarrah Forest
Assessment criteria: Clearing Principle B - it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia, Clearing Principle H - the clearing of the vegetation is likely to have an impact on the environmental values of any adjacent or nearby conservation area
Residual impact: Loss of up to 15.2 hectares of native vegetation predominantly in very good (Keighery 1994) condition from Harris River State Forest including 15.06 hectares of suitable foraging and nesting habitat for Carnaby's cockatoo, Baudin's cockatoo and forest red-tailed black cockatoo.
Related offset(s): 2

Offset conditions

CPS 185/7 (active from 11/12/2014 to 19/04/2017):

4. Requirements prior to undertaking clearing
(a) Prior to clearing any native vegetation under this Permit, the permit holder must:
(ii) if an offset is required to be implemented pursuant to condition 8(c), provide the CEO with an offset proposal for the CEO’s approval.

8. Assessment against the Clearing Principles
(c) If part or all of the clearing to be done is or is likely to be at variance with one or more of the clearing principles, then the permit holder must implement an offset in accordance with Part V of this Permit with respect to that native vegetation.

14. Determination of offsets
(a) In determining the offset to be implemented with respect to a particular area of native vegetation proposed to be cleared under this Permit, the permit holder must have regard to the offset principles contained in condition 15 of this Permit.

(b) Once the permit holder has developed an offset proposal, the permit holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO’s approval in accordance with condition 4(a)(ii), prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset related, and prior to implementing the offset.

15. Offset principles
For the purpose of this Part, the offset principles are as follows:
(a) direct offsets should directly counterbalance the loss of the native vegetation;
(b) contributing offsets should complement and enhance the direct offset;
(c) offsets are implemented only once all avenues to avoid, minimise, rectify or reduce environmental impacts have been exhausted;
(d) the environmental values, habitat, species, ecological community, physical area, ecosystem, landscape, and hydrology of the offset should be the same as, or better than, that of the area of native vegetation being offset;
(e) a ratio greater than 1:1 should be applied to the size of the area of native vegetation that is offset to compensate for the risk that the offset may fail;
(f) offsets must entail a robust and consistent assessment process;
(g) in determining an appropriate offset, consideration should be given to ecosystem function, rarity and type of ecological community, vegetation condition, habitat quality and area of native vegetation cleared;
(h) the offset should either result in no net loss of native vegetation, or lead to a net gain in native vegetation and improve the condition of the natural environment;
(i) offsets must satisfy all statutory requirements;
(j) offsets must be clearly defined, documented and audited;
(k) offsets must ensure a long-term (10-30 year) benefit; and
(l) an environmental specialist must be involved in the design, assessment and monitoring of offsets.

16. Duration of offsets
(a) The permit holder must ensure that an offset implemented under this Permit continues to be implemented for the term of this Permit.

(b) If for any reason an offset is not continually implemented for the term of this Permit, the permit holder must:
(i) implement the offset again within 12 months of becoming aware that the offset is not being maintained; and
(ii) if necessary, modify the offset in a manner that increases the likelihood that the offset will be implemented for the term of this Permit.

Statutory process EP Act Clearing (Part V)
Approved project area (ha) 17.13


Date: 2014-12-11 Ministerial statement: None
Condition status: Current
Type(s): Land acquisition

PROJECT 1 - Narembeen Pump Station and Water Supply Main Upgrade (decision date of 14 July 2016).
Note: Clearing for this project was approved 14 July 2016 prior to the approval of an offset proposal due to the project's urgent nature towards ensuring the security of the supply of water to Narembeen. The offset was subsequently approved 17 January 2018 under Clearing Permit CPS 185/8. The details of this offset are published below in line with Clearing Permit CPS 185/8 permit conditions.
The approved offset involves the provision of a monetary contribution of $66,000 for the acquisition of 16.5 hectares of remnant native vegetation for conservation that contains similar environmental values to that permitted to be cleared. The area to be acquired was calculated using the Commonwealth Offsets Assessment Guide.
Given the above, the offset is considered relevant and proportionate to the significance of the environmental values being impacted, counterbalancing the significant residual impacts of the clearing.

Security arrangements:

Once the offset is acquired, security arrangements will be published.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Once the offset is acquired, location details will be published.

Approved offset area (ha): 16.5
Bioregion(s): Avon Wheatbelt
Delivery agent:


Condition Milestone 1 – relates to permit conditions 7(c) and 14
If part or all of the clearing to be done is or is likely to be at variance with one or more of the clearing principles, then the permit holder must implement an offset in accordance with Part V of CPS 185/8 with respect to that clearing.


Refer Implementation Milestone 1.

Complete: No

Condition Milestone 2 – relates to permit condition 13(b)
Once the permit holder has developed an offset proposal, the permit holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO's approval.


Prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset is related and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestones 1 and 2
In accordance with the approved offset proposal, the Permit Holder shall provide funds of $66,000 to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation for the purchase of 16.5 hectares of suitable native vegetation.


Timeframe (date): 2018-08-22
Complete: No

Implementation Milestone 2 - relates to Implementation Milestone 1
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation to purchase 16.5 hectares of suitable native vegetation.


Complete: No
Condition status: Complete
Type(s): Land acquisition

PROJECT 2 - Stirling Dam to Harris Dam (West Bingham Tank) pipeline (initial decision date of 16 November 2016, amendment 17 February 2017)
The offset involves the conservation of 75 hectares of native vegetation located on Crown Reserve 24734, Rocky Gully currently managed by the Water Corporation for water related activities. The vegetation comprises jarrah and marri forest in excellent (Keighery 1994) condition with the majority mapped as Beard vegetation association 3 which is the same vegetation association mapped for the majority of the clearing area. The offset site also contains similar black cockatoo habitat values when compared to the clearing area. Conservation of the site will reduce the risk of development and disturbance for water related activities. The size of the offset was determined using the federal Department of the Environment and Energy's Offsets Assessment Guide.
Given the above, the offset is considered to be relevant and proportionate to the significance of the environmental values being impacted, counterbalancing the residual impacts of the project.
Note: In February 2017 a modified clearing footprint was approved. The size of clearing approved was reduced from 15.38 hectares to 15.2 hectares, reducing direct impacts to a watercourse and associated riparian vegetation. The previously approved offset was not amended.

Security arrangements:

Conservation will be achieved by transferring the vesting of a 630 hectare portion of Crown Reserve 24734 (comprising Lots 1940, 1941, 1942 & 1943 on Plan 203465, Rocky Gully) from the Minister for Water Resources to the Conservation Commission and amending the reserve purpose from "water" to "conservation". Management of the reserve will also transfer from the Water Corporation to the Department of Parks and Wildlife.
Note: The remaining 555 hectares has been registered as a "pre-impact" offset in accordance with the WA Environmental Offsets Guidelines August 2014 for future Water Corporation projects. In order to be utilised as a future project the Water Corporation must demonstrate how the offset will counterbalance the significant residual impacts of that project at the time clearing approval is sought.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Lot 1942 on Plan 203465 (Crown Reserve 24734), Rocky Gully

Approved offset area (ha): 75.0
Bioregion(s): Jarrah Forest
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

Condition Milestone 1 – relates to permit conditions 8(c) and 16
If part or all of the clearing to be done is or is likely to be at variance with one or more of the clearing principles, then the permit holder must implement an offset in accordance with Part V of CPS 185/7 with respect to that native vegetation being cleared.


Refer Implementation Milestone 1

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 – relates to Condition Milestone 1 and permit conditions 4(a)(ii) and 14(b)
Once the permit holder has developed an offset proposal, the permit holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO's approval.


Prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset relates and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 1
In accordance with the approved offset proposal, Water Corporation is to transfer 75 hectares of Crown Reserve 24734 to the Conservation Commission and Department of Parks and Wildlife for conservation.


Timeframe (date): 2017-11-30
Complete: Yes