Project number 7879/2
Project name

Clearing of 4.32 hectares of native vegetation for the purpose of constructing a solar energy facility.

Project status Current
Proponent(s) Merredin Solar Farm Nominee Pty Ltd
Project location

Lot 194 on Deposited Plan 72480, Merredin
Lot 19444 on Deposited Plan 229756, Merredin

Project bioregion(s) Avon Wheatbelt
Assessment criteria (e) it is significant as a remnant of native vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared.
Residual impact

Loss of up to 4.32 hectares of native vegetation that is in completely degraded to very good (Keighery 1994) condition that:
- is considered significant as a remnant of native vegetation within an extensively cleared area (mapped as Beard vegetation associations 36 and 1055 which retain 24 and 13  per cent of their pre-European extents in the Avon Wheatbelt bioregion respectively); and
- is likely to facilitate landscape connectivity and contribute to fauna dispersal between larger isolated bushland fragments (and potentially conservation areas) in an extensively cleared landscape.

Offset conditions

Condition 7:
Prior to undertaking any clearing authorised under this Permit and no later than 23 September 2018, the Permit Holder shall provide documentary evidence to the CEO that funding of $31,200 has been transferred to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation for the purpose of establishing or maintaining native vegetation.

Statutory process EP Act Clearing (Part V)
Approved project area (ha) 4.32


Date: 2018-06-18 Ministerial statement: None
Condition status: Complete
Type(s): Land acquisition

The approved offset involves the provision of a monetary contribution of $31,200 for the acquisition of 16 hectares of remnant native vegetation for conservation within the Avon Wheatbelt bioregion. The vegetation acquired will contain similar environmental values to that cleared. The size of the area to be acquired was calculated using the the Department of the Environment and Energy’s (DotEE) Offset Assessment Guide.
Given the above, the offset is considered relevant and proportionate to the significance of the environmental values being impacted, counterbalancing the significant residual impacts of the clearing.

Security arrangements:

Once the offset is acquired, security arrangements will be published.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Once the offset is acquired, location details will be published.

Approved offset area (ha): 16.0
Bioregion(s): Avon Wheatbelt
Delivery agent:


The Permit Holder shall provide documentary evidence to the CEO that funding of $31,200 has been transferred to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation for the purpose of establishing or maintaining native vegetation.


Prior to undertaking any clearing authorised under this Permit and no later than 23 September 2018.

Complete: Yes

Department of Water and Environmental Regulation to purchase 16 hectares of suitable native vegetation.


Complete: No