Project number 8315/1
Project name

Kwinana Freeway - Farrington Road onramp upgrades

Project status Current
Proponent(s) Main Roads Western Australia
Project location

Lot 1000 on Plan 13682, Murdoch and Leeming
Lot 50 on Plan 6977, Murdoch
Crown Reserve 39704, Murdoch

Project bioregion(s) Swan Coastal Plain
Assessment criteria (a) it comprises a high level of biological diversity., (b) it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia.
Residual impact

Loss of 0.72 hectares of native vegetation in completely degraded to excellent (Keighery, 1994) condition that contains:

0.72 hectares of foraging habitat for black cockatoos; and

0.7 hectares of Banksia Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain threatened ecological community.

Offset conditions

Condition 8:
Prior to undertaking any clearing authorised under this Permit and no later than 2 August 2020, the Permit Holder shall provide documentary evidence to the CEO that funding of $38,481 has been transferred to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation for the purpose of establishing or maintaining vegetation.

Statutory process EP Act Clearing (Part V)
Approved project area (ha) 0.72


Date: 2019-07-02 Ministerial statement: None
Condition status: Complete
Type(s): Land acquisition

This offset involves the provision of a monetary contribution of $38,481 for the acquisition of 3.81 hectares of remnant native vegetation for conservation that is suitable as black cockatoo foraging habitat and representative of the Banksia Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain threatened ecological community.
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation undertook a calculation using the Commonwealth Offsets Assessment Guide to determine that the acquisition and conservation of 3.81 hectares was adequately proportionate to the significance of the black cockatoo foraging habitat and threatened ecological community values being impacted.
The offset is considered relevant and proportionate to the significance of the environmental values being impacted, counterbalancing the significant residual impacts of the clearing.

Security arrangements:

Once the offset is acquired, security details will be published.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Once the offset is acquired, location details will be published.

Approved offset area (ha): 3.81
Bioregion(s): Swan Coastal Plain
Delivery agent:


Condition Milestone 1 - relates to permit condition 8
Prior to undertaking any clearing authorised under this Permit and no later than 1 August 2020, the Permit Holder shall provide documentary evidence to the CEO that funding of $38,481 has been transferred to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation for the purpose of establishing or maintaining native vegetation.


Prior to undertaking any clearing authorised under this permit and no later than 1 August 2020.

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 1
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation to purchase 3.81 hectares of suitable native vegetation.


Complete: No