Project number 1773/4
Project name

Fiona Stanley Hospital

Project status Complete
Proponent(s) Department of Health
Project location

LOT 501 ON PLAN 59337 MURDOCH 6150
LOT 500 ON PLAN 59337 MURDOCH 6150
LOT 4994 ON PLAN 40291 MURDOCH 6150
LOT 2 ON PLAN 19489 MURDOCH 6150
LOT 50 ON PLAN 6977 MURDOCH 6150
LOT 51 ON PLAN 6977 LEEMING 6149
LOT 4379 ON PLAN 193548 MURDOCH 6150
LOT 1 ON PLAN 19489 MURDOCH 6150

Approved project area (ha) 25.0


DECISION 1 Date of decision: 29 Oct 2009
Offset Offset Type Offset Area Offset Status Condition Milestones
OFFSET 1 Land acquisition 45.0 Complete

Condition Milestone 1

10 (a) (iii) The permit holder must provide an offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO's approval prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset relates, and prior to implementing the offset.


Prior to clearing and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2

10 (a) (iv) The CEO must approve the offset proposal.


Prior to clearing.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 3

10 (a) (v) The permit holder shall implement the offset proposal approved under condition 10(a) (iii).


Prior to the permit expiry date.

Timeframe (date): 2022-08-26
Complete: Yes
OFFSET 2 Rehabilitation 30.0 Complete

Condition Milestone 01

Methodology 1. DEC is to identify sites, totalling approximately 25 hectares in area, within Beeliar Regional Park suitable for rehabilitation.


The MOU governing this offset is valid until April 2013, or until the Key Outcomes identified in the MOU are met within a reasonable timeframe on the agreement of the Parties.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 02

Methodology 2. DEC is to approve seed harvesting within Beeliar Regional Park for use in rehabilitation.


The MOU governing this offset is valid until 30 April 2013, or until the Key Outcomes identified in the MOU are met within a reasonable timeframe on the agreement of the Parties.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 03

Methodology 3. The former Department of Housing and Works is to develop a Plan of Works in consultation with DEC for each identified rehabilitation site, that addresses:
- Source of topsoil and seed for rehabilitation site;
- Nursery program for seedling planning program (if proposed);
- Program for eradication of weeds prior to topsoil placement, including timing and responsibilities;
- Access and traffic management needs including upgrading of tracks, gates, etc;
- Timing and procedures for placement and spreading of topsoil;
- Timing and procedures for scarifying/ripping;
- Timing and procedures for broadcast seeding;
- Timing and procedures for seedling planting (if proposed);
- Program for ongoing weed control, including timing and responsibilities;
- Fencing requirements;
- Signage; and
- Monitoring program, including timing and responsibilities, assessing parameters as indicated in monitoring requirements.


The MOU governing this offset is valid until 30 April 2013, or until the Key Outcomes identified in the MOU are met within a reasonable timeframe on the agreement of the Parties.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 04

Methodology 4. The Project is to fund and manage the following works:
- Seed harvesting within Fiona Stanley Hospital and Health Precinct Project Area and within Beeliar Regional Park;
- Seedling propagation and nursery program;
- Weed eradication prior to topsoil placement;
- Upgrading of fencing (including rabbit proof fencing) in 2008/09;
- Topsoil stripping and transport to rehabilitation site;
- Scarifying/ripping;
- Spreading of topsoil;
- Broadcast seeding;
- Seedling planting (except where undertaken as part of community plantings);
- Weed control for five years from establishment of site; and
- Monitoring.


The MOU governing this offset is valid until 30 April 2013, or until the Key Outcomes identified in the MOU are met within a reasonable timeframe on the agreement of the Parties.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 05

Methodology 5. DEC is to fund and manage the following works (unless otherwise agreed between parties):
- Fencing (including rabbit proof fencing) from 2009 onwards;
- Upgrading of tracks, gates for sites subject to topsoil spreading from 2009 onwards; and
- Signage (in consultation with DHW and DoH) from 2009 onwards.


The MOU governing this offset is valid until 30 April 2013, or until the Key Outcomes identified in the MOU are met within a reasonable timeframe on the agreement of the Parties.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 06

Monitoring 1. Annual monitoring of the following parameters up to five years from establishment of each site:
- Seedling emergence;
- Species richness;
- Number of seedlings/plants;
- Rehabilitation species diversity;
- Weed richness and weed density/percentage cover; and
- Abundance of species suitable for future use by Carnaby’s cockatoo for food.


Establishment of the rehabilitation sites was assessed as being the commencement of weed control as this was the first action in the Plan of Works. Weed control commenced in 2008. Five years from commencement was reached in September 2013.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 07

Reporting Schedule. The former Department of Housing and Works is to prepare annual progress reports for rehabilitation sites incorporating monitoring results for up to five years from establishment of last site to be established.


Establishment of the rehabilitation sites was assessed as being the commencement of weed control as this was the first action in the Plan of Works. Weed control commenced in 2008. Five years from commencement was reached in September 2013.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 08

Timeframes. The funding is to be expended within five years of the establishment of the last rehabilitation site.


Establishment of the rehabilitation sites was assessed as being the commencement of weed control as this was the first action in the Plan of Works. Weed control commenced in 2008. Five years from commencement was reached in September 2013.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 09

Funding Requirements 1. Project to contribute a total of $750,000 for purpose of off-site rehabilitation in Beeliar Regional Park. The MOU addendum increased this to $1.1 million.


The MOU governing this offset is valid until 30 April 2013, or until the Key Outcomes identified in the MOU are met within a reasonable timeframe on the agreement of the Parties.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 10

Funding Requirements 2. DEC to provide in-kind support of approximately $550,000 and fund works to a value of approximately $200,000, as described under the methodology condition milestones, to a total value of $750,000.


The MOU governing this offset is valid until 30 April 2013, or until the Key Outcomes identified in the MOU are met within a reasonable timeframe on the agreement of the Parties.

Complete: Yes