Project number OEPA:16
Project name

Extension of Kemerton Silica Sand Dredge Mining

Project status Current
Proponent(s) Kemerton Silica Sand Pty Ltd
Project location

2.5 km north of Kemerton Industrial Park.

Approved project area (ha) 260.0


DECISION 1 Date of decision: 12 Nov 2012
Offset Offset Type Offset Area Offset Status Condition Milestones
OFFSET 1 Land acquisition, Onground management 845.1 Current

12-1 Given the significant residual impacts and risks (permanent and temporary) of the proposal on conservation significant wetlands, and fauna and flora species in the environment surrounding the proposal, the proponent shall, within 12 months of undertaking ground-disturbing activities for the proposal, transfer proponent-owned land totaling 845.1 hectares, being Lot 501 and portion of Lot 32, as shown on Figure 2 and defined by co-ordinates in Table 2, to the State of Western Australia for addition into the conservation reserve system. The relevant certificates of title shall contain a notation to the effect that the DEC is the agency responsible for the land.


Within 12 months of undertaking ground-disturbing activities for the proposal.

Timeframe (date): 2018-01-30
Complete: Yes

12-2 Within six months of satisfying the requirements of condition 12-1, the proponent in consultation with the DEC shall submit a management plan for the proposed Kemerton Nature Reserve and the land to be transferred to the State of Western Australia as described in condition 12-1, to the satisfaction of the CEO. The management plan shall specify the nature, timing and duration of the ongoing management activities to be undertaken by the proponent and the DEC (that may include, but not be limited to, fencing and access management, weed control, dieback management, introduced fauna control, fire management and recreational uses) and the methodology, completion criteria, and timing for rehabilitation of the degraded area of Bassendean woodland within the proposed Kemerton Nature Reserve being that portion of the proposed Kemerton Nature Reserve delineated on the plan set out in Figure 2 to this statement.


Within six months of satisfying the requirements of condition 12-1.

Complete: No

12-3 The proponent and the DEC shall implement the management plan approved under condition 12-2 in consultation with the DEC and the Local Government.


Complete: No
OFFSET 2 Offset funds, Research None Current

12-4 Within 12 months of undertaking ground-disturbing activities for the proposal, the proponent shall provide funding in the amount of seventy two thousand dollars ($72,000) to a research project acceptable to the CEO to undertake research on:
1. the ecological requirements and population genetics of remnant Black-striped Jollytail populations in seasonal wetlands of South-western Australia; and
2. macroinvertebrates in wetlands to establish baseline conditions as analogues for future rehabilitation.


Within 12 months of undertaking ground-disturbing activities.

Complete: No