Project number OEPA:1
Project name

Nammuldi-Silvergrass Expansion

Project status Current
Proponent(s) Hamersley Iron Pty. Limited (Australian Company Number 004 558 276)
Project location

60km north-west of Tom Price in the Pilbara

Approved project area (ha) 8400.0


DECISION 1 Date of decision: 11 Jan 2013
Offset Offset Type Offset Area Offset Status Condition Milestones
OFFSET 1 Offset funds None Current

11-2 The proponent’s contribution to the strategic regional conservation initiative identified in Condition 11-1 shall be paid biennially, the first payment due two years after ground disturbance. The amount of funding will be made on the following basis and in accordance with the approved Impact Reconciliation Procedure required by Condition 11-3:
- $750 AUD (excluding GST) per hectare of "good to excellent" condition native vegetation cleared within the area delineated in Figure 2 as Area 1, up to a maximum of 6,308 ha; and
- $1,500 AUD (excluding GST) per hectare of Priority Ecological Community and riparian vegetation cleared within the area delineated in Figure 3 as Area 1a.


Every two years after ground disturbance

Complete: No

11-3 Prior to ground-disturbing activities, the proponent shall prepare an Impact Reconciliation Procedure to the satisfaction of the CEO.


Prior to ground disturbance

Complete: Yes