Current Projects 310 Projects

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# Project Name Project Number Project Area (ha) Proponent Offset Info
111 Lot 55 on Deposited Plan 36488, Myalup, limestone extraction 6886/2 2.3 Omaha Nominees Pty Ltd
Offset Type Offset Area (ha) Status
Rehabilitation 1.64 Current
112 Goods Road Sand Project 6900/1 5.0 Tuma Holdings Pty Ltd
Offset Type Offset Area (ha) Status
Onground management 11.72 Current
Restoration 11.72 Current
113 Bussel Hwy Capel to Hutton SLK 38 to 32.15 road widening project 7016/1 5.53 Commissioner of Main Roads Western Australia
Offset Type Offset Area (ha) Status
Land acquisition 20.35 Complete
114 Bussel Hwy Capel to Hutton SLK 38 to 32.15 road widening project 7016/2 5.53 Commissioner of Main Roads Western Australia
Offset Type Offset Area (ha) Status
Rehabilitation 13.6 Complete
115 Jindee Innovation Project 7166/2 19.638 Westminster Estates Pty Ltd
Offset Type Offset Area (ha) Status
Land acquisition 635.0 Complete
Land acquisition 34.0 Complete
116 Clearing of 6.9 hectares of native vegetation for the purpose of widening and upgrades to Howick Road. 7185/1 6.9 Shire of Esperance
Offset Type Offset Area (ha) Status
Land acquisition 28.75 Current
117 Orleans Bay Road 7188/2 11.64 Shire of Esperance
Offset Type Offset Area (ha) Status
Land acquisition 31.0 Current
Land acquisition 15.5 Complete
118 Wheatbelt Region Maintenance Zone Establishment 7227/2 18.16 Main Roads Western Australia
Offset Type Offset Area (ha) Status
Land acquisition 92.34 Current
119 Great Northern Highway - Muchea to Wubin Upgrade Stage 2 - Walebing to Wubin 7231/3 68.5 Commissioner of Main Roads Western Australia
Offset Type Offset Area (ha) Status
Land acquisition 159.0 Complete
Land acquisition 254.0 Complete
120 Great Northern Highway - Muchea to Wubin Upgrade Stage 2 - Walebing to Wubin 7231/4 68.5 Commissioner of Main Roads Western Australia
Offset Type Offset Area (ha) Status
Land acquisition 159.0 Complete
Land acquisition 217.49 Complete