Project number OEPA:185
Project name

Roe Highway Extension

Project status Current
Proponent(s) Main Roads Western Australia (ABN 50 860 676 021)
Project location

From the current terminus of Roe Highway at Kwinana Freeway in Jandakot, to Stock Road in Coolbellup

Project bioregion(s) Swan Coastal Plain
Assessment criteria Flora and Vegetation, Terrestrial Fauna
Residual impact

After all avoidance and minimisation actions have occurred, the following significant residual impacts remain:

• Clearing of 97.85 ha of remnant native vegetation;
• Clearing of 78 ha of foraging habitat for Carnaby’s Cockatoo;
• Clearing of 73 ha of foraging habitat for Red-tailed Black Cockatoo;
• Clearing of 2.5 ha of potential Black Cockatoo nesting habitat;
• Clearing of 5.4 ha of Beeliar Regional Park;
• Clearing of 7 ha of Bush Forever site 244;
• Impacts to 6.8 ha of wetlands, including CCWs;
• Fragmentation of fauna habitat;
• Fragmentation of assemblages for priority fauna;
• Fragmentation of Swan Coastal Plain significant bird species habitat; and
• Fragmentation of migratory birds and significant wetland bird species habitat.

Offset conditions

12 Residual Impacts and Risk Management Measures

12-1 In view of the significant residual impacts to the environment, including impacts to threatened species, priority flora, fauna habitat, migratory birds, native vegetation, wetlands, Beeliar Regional Park and Bush Forever sites, as a result of implementation of the proposal, the proponent shall undertake the following requirements relating to offsets as outlined in conditions 12-2 to 12-16.

Land Acquisition and Management Plan

12-2 Prior to commencement of construction, or as otherwise agreed by the CEO, the proponent shall submit a Land Acquisition and Management Plan to the requirements of the CEO.

12-3 The proponent shall implement the Land Acquisition and Management Plan, prior to commencement, or as otherwise agreed by the CEO, until the CEO advises implementation may cease.

12-4 The Land Acquisition and Management Plan shall:

(1) identify at least 234 hectares of land to be acquired;

(2) demonstrate that individual land parcels to be acquired are at least 100 hectares in area;

(3) identify the environmental attributes of the land to be acquired which must contain:

(a) at least 234 hectares of Calyptorhynchus latirostris (Carnaby’s Cockatoo) and 219 hectares of Calyptorhynchus banksii naso (Red-tailed Black Cockatoo) potential foraging habitat;
(b) at least 7.5 hectares of Calyptorhynchus latirostris (Carnaby’s Cockatoo) and Calyptorhynchus banksii naso (Red-tailed Black Cockatoo) potential breeding habitat;
(c) at least 7 hectares of Conservation Category Wetland areas and an appropriate buffer;
(d) unless subject to condition 12-4(4) remnant native vegetation similar or better than the vegetation association being impacted by the proposal; and
(e) an assemblage of fauna and flora species similar to those being impacted.

(4) detail a Rehabilitation Plan for any areas identified in 12-4(1) that require rehabilitation measures. The Rehabilitation Plan on advice of the Department of Parks and Wildlife shall:

(a) identify the areas to be rehabilitated;
(b) outline the objectives and targets to be achieved;
(c) outline timeframes and responsibilities for implementation;
(d) outline the funding schedule and financial arrangements; and
(e) outline monitoring, reporting and evaluation mechanisms.

(5) detail the arrangements and funding for the ongoing management of the land acquired on advice from the Department of Parks and Wildlife; and

(6) include monitoring and reporting requirements.

12-5 Prior to commencement of construction, or as otherwise agreed by the CEO, the proponent shall acquire, or fully fund the acquisition of, the land identified in the approved Land Acquisition and Management Plan for the purpose of conservation.

Wetland Restoration Plan

12-6 Prior to commencement of construction, or as otherwise agreed by the CEO, the proponent shall prepare a Wetland Restoration Plan to the requirements of the CEO.

12-7 The Wetland Restoration Plan identified in condition 12-6, shall include details on:

(1) activities to be undertaken including the final area to be rehabilitated and restored;
(2) timeframes for undertaking management activities;
(3) roles and responsibilities;
(4) funding arrangements for implementation of the plan;
(5) monitoring and reporting requirements; and
(6) completion criteria.

12-8 The Wetland Restoration Plan identified in condition 12-6 shall apply to the areas delineated in Figure 3.

12-9 Prior to commencement of construction, or as otherwise agreed by the CEO, the proponent shall implement the Wetland Restoration Plan until the CEO advises implementation may cease.

Arum Lily Control Program

12-10 The proponent shall transfer 14.5 hectares of land as shown in Figure 4 into Beeliar Regional Park. This transfer shall commence within twelve (12) months of the completion of the proposal.

12-11 Prior to commencement of construction, or as otherwise agreed by the CEO, the proponent shall prepare an Arum Lily Control Program for the land referred to in condition 12-10 to the requirements of the CEO.

12-12 The Arum Lily Control Program required by condition 12-11 must include details on:

(1) an assessment and mapping of the existing Arum Lily infestation;
(2) activities to be undertaken;
(3) timeframes for undertaking management activities;
(4) roles and responsibilities;
(5) funding arrangements for implementation of the program;
(6) monitoring and reporting requirements; and
(7) completion criteria.

12-13 The proponent shall commence implementation of the Arum Lily Control Program, within twelve (12) months of completion of the proposal, until the CEO advises implementation may cease.

Typha orientalis Control Program

12-14 Prior to commencement of construction, or as otherwise agreed by the CEO, the proponent shall prepare a Typha orientalis Control Program for Thomsons Lake to the requirements of the CEO.

12-15 The Typha orientalis Control Program identified in condition 12-14 shall include:

(1) an assessment and mapping of the existing Typha orientalis infestation;
(2) activities to be undertaken;
(3) timeframes for undertaking management activities;
(4) roles and responsibilities;
(5) funding arrangements for implementation of the program;
(6) monitoring and reporting requirements; and
(7) completion criteria.

12-16 Prior to commencement of construction, or as otherwise agreed by the CEO, the proponent shall implement the Typha orientalis Control Program and continue implementation until the CEO advises implementation may cease.

Statutory process EP Act Environmental Impact Assessment (Part IV)
Approved project area (ha) 98.75


Date: 2015-07-02 Ministerial statement: 1008
Condition status: Current
Type(s): Land acquisition, Onground management

The purpose of this offset is to ensure that an area of land is permanently protected and managed for conservation. The area to be acquired and managed is approximately three times the size of the area impacted by the proposal and must include habitat and an assemblage of species similar to those being impacted. The site acquired must contain habitat for Carnaby's Cockatoo and Red-tailed Black Cockatoo, as well as conservation category wetlands. The condition of the vegetation of the site must be equal to that being impacted, or shall be subject to rehabilitation to improve the condition of the native vegetation. In the long term, the site will be managed by the Department of Parks and Wildlife, with Main Roads contributing funding for management.

The specific details of the management, funding and rehabilitation requirements will be determined once the site to be acquired is proposed by Main Roads and has been approved by the CEO of the Office of the Environmental Protection Authority. These will be detailed in the Land Acquisition and Management Plan and allows for these details to be determined so as to specifically relate to the selected offset site. This Plan will be published on the Offsets Register once approved and no longer considered commercial-in-confidence (i.e. after the site has been acquired).

Security arrangements:

The offset land will be owned by the Crown and managed by the Department of Parks and Wildlife for conservation purposes.

Governance arrangements:

The management of the land shall be governed by the requirements set out in the Land Acquisition and Management Plan.

Offset location:

Lake Clifton Offset Site
Nirimba Offset Site

Approved offset area (ha): 624.0
Bioregion(s): Swan Coastal Plain
Delivery agent:

Department of Parks and Wildlife

Document attachments:

01. Main Roads to submit the Land Acquisition and Management Plan to the CEO for approval.


Prior to commencement of construction, as as otherwise agreed by the CEO.

Complete: Yes

02. Main Roads shall acquire or fully fund the acquisition of the two offset sites.


Prior to commencement of construction, as as otherwise agreed by the CEO.

Complete: Yes

03. Main Roads shall implement the approved Land Acquisition and Management Plan.


Prior to commencement of construction, as as otherwise agreed by the CEO, until the CEO advises implementation may cease.

Complete: No
  • No implementation milestones defined.
Condition status: Current
Type(s): Onground management, Restoration

The areas of wetland being impacted by the proposal are both considered to be in degraded condition, with one mostly devoid of vegetation. However these areas still have hydrological function and would respond rapidly to wetland rehabilitation work. This offset includes restoration of 8.4 hectares of Horse Paddock Swamp and weed control over 5 hectares of North Lake over a period of five years. This offset is local and will occur in situ adjacent to the proposal. This means the offset will address both impacts to wetlands and also assist in addressing fragmentation caused by the proposal by improving the quality of habitat available around the proposal site. When combined with the acquisition offset, this will result in a 3:1 offset ratio for impacts to wetlands. The restoration offsets will be guided by the requirements of the Wetland Restoration Plan. This Plan will be published once approved by the CEO of the Office of the Environmental Protection Authority.

Security arrangements:

Governance arrangements:

The Wetland Restoration Plan sets out the requirements of this offset.

Offset location:

Horse Paddock Swamp and North Lake

Approved offset area (ha): 13.4
Bioregion(s): Swan Coastal Plain
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

01. Submit the Wetland Restoration Plan to the CEO for approval.


Prior to commencement of construction, or as otherwise agreed by the CEO

Complete: Yes

02. The proponent shall implement the Wetland Restoration Plan.


Prior to commencement of construction, or as otherwise agreed by the CEO, until the CEO advises implementation may cease.

Complete: No
  • No implementation milestones defined.
Condition status: Current
Type(s): Land acquisition, Onground management

Main Roads have planned the proposal to minimise its environmental impacts. As such, the footprint of the proposal does not exactly align with the existing road reserve. Part of the proposal will now impact on Beeliar Regional Park, but other areas within the road reserve will not be impacted. This offset involves the removal of these areas from the designated road reserve and incorporating them into the adjacent Beeliar Regional Park. This will result in a net increase of 9 hectares to the Park (14.5 hectares added, 5.5 hectares removed by the proposal). An Arum Lily Control Program will be undertaken to reduce the infestion of this plant prior to the transfer of this land to the conservation reserve.

Security arrangements:

Land to become part of Beeliar Regional Park

Governance arrangements:

In accordance with the Arum Lily Control Program

Offset location:

Beeliar Regional Park

Approved offset area (ha): 14.5
Bioregion(s): Swan Coastal Plain
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

01. Submit the Arum Lily Control Plan for the approval of the CEO.


Prior to commencement of construction, or as otherwise agreed by the CEO.

Complete: Yes

02. The proponent shall commence implementation of the Arum Lily Control Program.


Within twelve (12) months of completion of the proposal, until the CEO advises implementation may cease.

Complete: No
  • No implementation milestones defined.
Condition status: Current
Type(s): Onground management

To address fragmentation issues, the proponent will undertake a Typha orientalis Control Program at Thomsons Lake, which forms part of the Beeliar Regional Park. Both the Beeliar Regional Park Management Plan, and the Lake Thomson Nature Reserve Management Plan, identify Typha orientalis as a great threat to native vegetation in the reserve. The offset will align with these management plans and will address fragmentation by improving the quality of habitat available around the impact site.

Security arrangements:

Within a Class A Nature Reserve.

Governance arrangements:

In accordance with the Typha Orientalis Control Program.

Offset location:

Thomsons Lake Nature Reserve

Approved offset area (ha): None
Bioregion(s): Swan Coastal Plain
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

01. Submit the Typha orientalis Control Program for the approval of the CEO.


Prior to commencement of construction, or as otherwise agreed by the CEO.

Complete: Yes

02. The proponent shall implement the Typha orientalis Control Program.


Prior to commencement of construction, or as otherwise agreed by the CEO, until the CEO advises implementation may cease.

Complete: No
  • No implementation milestones defined.