Project number 818/11
Project name

State-wide Purpose Permit Activities

Project status Current
Proponent(s) Commissioner of Main Roads Western Australia
Project location

Refer to residual impact field for a list of projects and their location details.

Project bioregion(s) Avon Wheatbelt, Esperance Plains, Jarrah Forest, Swan Coastal Plain, Warren
Assessment criteria (a) it comprises a high level of biological diversity., (b) it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia., (e) it is significant as a remnant of native vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared., (h) the clearing of the vegetation is likely to have an impact on the environmental values of any adjacent or nearby conservation area.
Residual impact


Project name: Ravensthorpe Heavy Haulage Route
Project location: Ravensthorpe townsite
Approved project area: 20ha
Project bioregion: Esperance Plains
Assessment criteria: Clearing Principle A - it comprises a high level of biological diversity, Clearing Principle B - it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia, Clearing Principle E - it is significant as a remnant of native vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared
Residual impact: Loss of up to 20 hectares of native vegetation that includes:
- very good to excellent (Keighery 1994) condition vegetation considered to contain a high level of biological diversity;
- Carnaby's cockatoo foraging habitat (19.5 hectares);
- 13 trees with hollows suitable for nesting by Carnaby's cockatoos; and
- vegetation mapped as Beard vegetation association 352 (29 per cent pre-European extent remaining in Esperance Plains bioregion).
Related offset(s): 1


Project name: Great Northern Highway - SLK 126.59 to 147.72 - realignment Batty Bog Road to Walebing
Project location: Great Northern Highway road reserve and various properties between SLK 126.59 (near Batty Bog Road) and SLK 147.72 (near Midlands Road)
Approved project area: 38.21ha
Project bioregion: Avon Wheatbelt
Assessment criteria: Clearing Principle A - it comprises a high level of biological diversity, Clearing Principle B - it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia, Clearing Principle E - it is significant as a remnant of native vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared
Residual impact: Loss of up to 38.21 hectares of native vegetation in good to completely degraded (Keighery 1994) condition that includes:
- Carnaby's cockatoo foraging habitat (29.81 hectares);
- 145 trees with the potential to be suitable as Carnaby's cockatoo nesting and/or roosting trees;
- vegetation significant as a remnant in an extensively cleared landscape (Shires of Moora and Victoria Plains - both retain approximately 16 per cent pre-European extent of native vegetation).
Related offset(s): 2


Project name: Coalfields Highway - SLK 15.9 to 26.34 - upgrade
Project location: Coalfields Highway road reserve and various properties between SLK 15.9 (near Potters Road) and SLK 26.34 (approximately 1.7 kilometres west of Rose Road)
Approved project area: 25ha
Project bioregion: Jarrah Forest
Assessment criteria: Clearing Principle B - it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia
Residual impact: Loss of up to 25 hectares of native vegetation in degraded to excellent (Keighery 1994) condition that contains foraging habitat and 595 potential breeding and roosting trees for Carnaby's cockatoo, Baudin's cockatoo and forest red-tailed black cockatoo.
Related offset(s): 3,4,5


Project name: Narrogin Link Road Stage 2 South
Project location: Great Southern Highway and John Street road reserves and various properties, Northam Cranbrook Road between SLK 168.4 and 169.75 (between Graham Road and Herald Street)
Approved project area: 1.05ha
Project bioregion: Avon Wheatbelt
Assessment criteria: Clearing Principle B - it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia, Clearing Principle E - it is significant as a remnant of native vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared
Residual impact: Loss of up to 1.05 hectares of native vegetation in completely degraded to excellent (Keighery 1994) condition that is significant as a remnant in an extensively cleared landscape (Beard vegetation association 1023 of which 10.9 per cent of the pre-European extent remains) and contains 0.65 hectares of foraging habitat and 0.15 hectares of potential breeding habitat for black cockatoo species.
Related offset(s): 6


Project name: Margaret River Perimeter Road Stage 1
Project location: New single carriageway from Rosa Brook Road south to Bussell Highway
Approved project area: 1.39ha
Project bioregion: Warren
Assessment criteria: Clearing Principle A - it comprises a high level of biological diversity, Clearing Principle B - it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia
Residual impact: Loss of up to 1.39 hectares of native vegetation in degraded to very good (Keighery 1994) condition that contains 1.39 hectares of black cockatoo foraging habitat including suitable black cockatoo habitat trees.
Related offset(s): 7


Project name: Margaret River Perimeter Road Stage 2
Project location: New single carriageway from Bussell Highway (north of Margaret River) south to Rosa Brook Road including construction of John Archibald Drive
Approved project area: 8.61ha
Project bioregion: Jarrah Forest,Warren
Assessment criteria: Clearing Principle A - it comprises a high level of biological diversity, Clearing Principle B - it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia
Residual impact: Loss of up to 8.61 hectares of native vegetation in degraded to very good (Keighery 1994) condition that contains:
- 7.2 hectares of black cockatoo foraging habitat including suitable black cockatoo habitat trees; and
- 0.86 hectares of western ringtail possum habitat.
Related offset(s): 8


Project name: Reid Highway Malaga Drive interchange
Project location: Intersection of Reid Highway and Malaga Drive
Approved project area: 4.2ha
Project bioregion: Swan Coastal Plain
Assessment criteria: Clearing Principle A - it comprises a high level of biological diversity, Clearing Principle B - it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia, Clearing Principle H - the clearing of the vegetation is likely to have an impact on the environmental values of any adjacent or nearby conservation area
Residual impact: Loss of up to 4.2 hectares of native vegetation in completely degraded to very good (Keighery 1994) condition that contains:
- vegetation in very good condition with a high level of biological diversity;
- 2.5 hectares of foraging habitat for Carnaby's cockatoo and forest red-tailed black cockatoo; and
- 2 hectares of vegetation within Bush Forever Site 307.
Related offset(s): 9


Project name: Reid Highway duplication Duffy Road to Erindale Road
Project location: Reid Highway from Duffy Road to Erindale Road
Approved project area: 3.24ha
Project bioregion: Swan Coastal Plain
Assessment criteria: Clearing Principle A - it comprises a high level of biological diversity, Clearing Principle B - it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia, Clearing Principle E - it is significant as a remnant of native vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared
Residual impact: Loss of up to 3.24 hectares of native vegetation in completely degraded to very good (Keighery 1994) condition that contains:
- 1.71 hectares of vegetation in very good condition with a high level of biological diversity;
- 3.24 hectares of foraging and potential breeding habitat for Carnaby's cockatoo and forest red-tailed black cockatoo; and
- 3.24 hectares of vegetation considered to be a significant remnant within an extensively cleared area. 
Related offset(s): 10


Project name: Albany Highway - SLK 242.4 to 248.4 - upgrade north of Kojonup
Project location: Albany Highway road reserve between SLK 242.4 (near Fairdale Road) and SLK 248.4 (near Bell Road)
Approved project area: 2.45ha
Project bioregion: Jarrah Forest
Assessment criteria: Clearing Principle B - it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia, Clearing Principle E - it is significant as a remnant of native vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared
Residual impact: Loss of up to 0.4 hectares of native vegetation in good to completely degraded (Keighery 1994) condition and 205 native trees that:
- includes 8 trees considered to be potential Carnaby's cockatoo, Baudin's cockatoo and forest red-tailed black cockatoo habitat trees; and
- are significant as remnant vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared (mapped as Beard vegetation association 4 of which 28% of the pre-European extent remains within the bioregion).
Related offset(s): 11


Project name: York Merredin Road - SLK 51 to 66 - widening and Dangin Mears Road intersection upgrade - Version 3
Project location: York Merredin Road reserves between SLK 51 (approximately 1 kilometre west of Dulbelling North Road) and SLK 66 (near Weir Road)
Approved project area: 4.17ha
Project bioregion: Avon Wheatbelt
Assessment criteria: Clearing Principle A - it comprises a high level of biological diversity, Clearing Principle B - it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia, Clearing Principle E - it is significant as a remnant of native vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared
Residual impact: Loss of up to 4.17 hectares of native vegetation in completely degraded to excellent (Keighery 1994) condition that contains:
- high biological diversity;
- vegetation that is significant as a remnant in an extensively cleared landscape (Beard vegetation associations 1049 and 1147 of which 6.8 per cent and 9.5 per cent of the pre-European extent remains, respectively); and
- 3.51 hectares of foraging habitat and 37 potential breeding trees for Carnaby's cockatoo.
Related offset(s): 12

Offset conditions

Condition 8:
CPS 818/11 Offset Conditions (active from 28 March 2014 to 10 December 2014):
8. Assessment against the Clearing Principles
(c) If part or all of the clearing to be done is likely to be at variance with one or more of the clearing principles, then the Permit Holder must implement an offset in accordance with Part V of this Permit with respect to that native vegetation, unless written advice to the contrary is provided by the CEO.
13. Determination of offsets
(a) The Permit Holder must prepare an offset proposal, designed by an environmental specialist, if an offset is required by condition 8(c) of this Permit.
(b) In determining the offset to be implemented with respect to a particular area of native vegetation proposed to be cleared under this Permit, the Permit Holder must comply with the principles in the Government of Western Australia, WA Environmental Offsets Policy, September 2011.
(c) An offset proposal is not required if the CEO advises so in writing.
(d) Once the Permit Holder has developed an offset proposal, the Permit Holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO’s approval, prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset is related, and prior to implementing the offset.
(e) If it is necessary to modify the offset proposal approved by the CEO, then the Permit Holder must provide that modified offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO’s approval and prior to implementing the modified offset.
(f) The Permit Holder must implement the latest version of the offset proposal approved by the CEO.

Statutory process EP Act Clearing (Part V)
Approved project area (ha) 108.32


Date: 2014-03-28 Ministerial statement: None
Condition status: Complete
Type(s): Land acquisition

PROJECT 1 - Ravensthorpe Heavy Haulage Route (decision date of 18 July 2014)
The offset involves the acquisition of 123.5 hectares of native vegetation that is significant as a remnant within an extensively cleared area and contains habitat suitable for Carnaby's cockatoo. The area to be acquired was calculated using the Commonwealth Offsets Assessment Guide.
The offset is considered to be relevant and proportionate to the significance of the environmental values being impacted, counterbalancing the residual impacts of the project.

Security arrangements:

The land to be acquired will be vested with the Department of Parks and Wildlife and managed for conservation.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Once acquired, details will be published on the location of the offset.

Approved offset area (ha): 123.5
Bioregion(s): Esperance Plains
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

Condition Milestone 1 - relates to permit condition 13(d)
Once the Permit Holder has developed an offset proposal, the Permit Holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO's approval.


Prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset is related, and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 - relates to permit condition 13(f)
The Permit Holder must implement the latest version of the offset proposal approved by the CEO.


Refer Implementation Milestone 1

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 2
In accordance with the approved offset proposal, MRWA is to provide funding of $68,542 to the Department of Environment Regulation.


Timeframe (date): 2014-09-16
Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 2 - relates to Implementation Milestone 1
Department of Environment Regulation to purchase 123.5 hectares of native vegetation that contains similar environmental values to that permitted to be cleared.


Complete: No
Condition status: Complete
Type(s): Land acquisition

PROJECT 2 - Great Northern Highway - SLK 126.59 to 147.72 - realignment Batty Bog Road to Walebing (decision date of 18 July 2014)
The offset involves the acquisition of 140 hectares of native vegetation that is significant as a remnant within an extensively cleared area and contains habitat suitable for Carnaby's cockatoo. The area to be acquired was calculated using the Commonwealth Offsets Assessment Guide.
The offset is considered to be relevant and proportionate to the significance of the environmental values being impacted, counterbalancing the residual impacts of the project.

Security arrangements:

The land to be acquired will be vested with the Department of Parks and Wildlife and managed for conservation.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Once acquired, details will be published on the location of the offset.

Approved offset area (ha): 140.0
Bioregion(s): Avon Wheatbelt
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

Condition Milestone 1 - relates to permit condition 13(d)
Once the Permit Holder has developed an offset proposal, the Permit Holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO's approval.


Prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset is related, and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 - relates to permit condition 13(f)
The Permit Holder must implement the latest version of the offset proposal approved by the CEO.


Refer Implementation Milestone 1

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 2
In accordance with the approved offset proposal, MRWA is to provide funding of $222,880 to the Department of Environment Regulation.


Timeframe (date): 2014-09-16
Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 2 - relates to Implementation Milestone 1
Department of Environment Regulation to purchase 140 hectares of native vegetation that contains similar environmental values to that permitted to be cleared.


Complete: No
Condition status: Current
Type(s): Rehabilitation

PROJECT 3 - Coalfields Highway - SLK 15.9 to 26.34 - upgrade (decision date of 31 July 2014)
This offset involves the establishment of 2000 trees (jarrah and marri) adjacent to the clearing area within an area of 8.94 hectares. Jarrah and marri are suitable for foraging habitat and for future potential breeding and roosting trees for Carnaby's cockatoo, Baudin's cockatoo and forest red-tailed black cockatoo.
When combined with offsets 4 and 5, a total of 79.24 hectares of native vegetation suitable as black cockatoo foraging habitat will be acquired for conservation/rehabilitated. A total of 2411 trees suitable as potential breeding and roosting trees will also be established/acquired for conservation.
The size of the three offsets combined was determined to be suitable based on calculations undertaken using the Commonwealth Offsets Assessment Guide. The offsets combined are considered to be relevant and proportionate to the significance of the environmental values being impacted, counterbalancing the residual impacts of the project.

Security arrangements:

The properties are to be included within Wellington National Park and upon completion of rehabilitation will be managed by the Department of Parks and Wildlife for conservation.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Portions of Coalfields Highway road reserve, Worsley (PIN 11625447) and Lot 103 on Plan 23202, Worsley (1008 Worsley Back Rd, Worsley).

Approved offset area (ha): 8.94
Bioregion(s): Jarrah Forest
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

Condition Milestone 1 - relates to permit condition 13(d)
Once the Permit Holder has developed an offset proposal, the Permit Holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO's approval.


Prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset is related, and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 - relates to permit condition 13(f)
The Permit Holder must implement the latest version of the offset proposal approved by the CEO.


Refer Implementation Milestones

Complete: No

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 2
In accordance with the approved offset proposal, MRWA is to cede 8.94 hectares of Lot 103 on Plan 23202, Worsley and Coalfields Highway road reserve, Worsley (PIN 11625447) to the Department of Parks and Wildlife for conservation.


Complete: No

Implementation Milestone 2 - relates to Condition Milestone 2
In accordance with the approved offset proposal, MRWA is to implement the "Environmental Offset Tree Establishment Plan – Coalfields Highway Upgrade (15.9-26.3 SLK), June 2014" which includes, but is not limited to, the following rehabilitation requirements:
Site preparation:
- weed control
- stripping and removal of existing road formation, gravel and pasture topsoil
- ripping
Vegetation establishment:
- planting and seeding of marri and jarrah
- qualitative assessments of jarrah and marri seedling survival
- weed control
- supplementary planting
- re-seeding
- pest control
- erosion control
Completion criteria:
- the successful establishment of 2000 jarrah and marri trees within the offset site based on a nominal stem diameter of 75-80 mm or greater


Site preparation: 2016 (prior to vegetation establishment)
Vegetation establishment: June 2016
Monitoring: Annually in November until 2026 or until achievement of the completion criteria is agreed by the Department of Environment Regulation
Maintenance: As required (where monitoring indicates that the completion criteria are unlikely to be achieved)

Complete: No
Condition status: Current
Type(s): Land acquisition

PROJECT 3 - Coalfields Highway - SLK 15.9 to 26.34 - upgrade (decision date of 31 July 2014)
This offset involves the acquisition of 10.3 hectares of native vegetation adjacent to, and in similar condition to the clearing area. The native vegetation to be acquired is suitable foraging habitat for Carnaby's cockatoo, Baudin's cockatoo and forest red-tailed black cockatoo and contains 411 potential breeding and roosting trees.
When combined with offsets 3 and 5, a total of 79.24 hectares of native vegetation suitable as black cockatoo foraging habitat will be acquired for conservation/rehabilitated. A total of 2411 trees suitable as potential breeding and roosting trees will also be established/acquired for conservation.
The size of the three offsets combined was determined to be suitable based on calculations undertaken using the Commonwealth Offsets Assessment Guide. The offsets combined are considered to be relevant and proportionate to the significance of the environmental values being impacted, counterbalancing the residual impacts of the project.

Security arrangements:

The properties are to be included within Wellington National Park and managed by the Department of Parks and Wildlife for conservation.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Portions of Coalfields Highway road reserve, Worsley (PIN 1327429, 11625449, 11625447) and Lot 103 on Plan 23202, Worsley (1008 Worsley Back Rd, Worsley).

Approved offset area (ha): 10.3
Bioregion(s): Jarrah Forest
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

Condition Milestone 1 - relates to permit condition 13(d)
Once the Permit Holder has developed an offset proposal, the Permit Holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO's approval.


Prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset is related, and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 - relates to permit condition 13(f)
The Permit Holder must implement the latest version of the offset proposal approved by the CEO.


Refer Implementation Milestone.

Complete: No

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 2
In accordance with the approved offset proposal, MRWA is to cede a combined total of 10.3 hectares of native vegetation from Lot 103 on Plan 23202, Worsley and from the Coalfields Highway road reserve (PIN 1327429, 11625449, 11625447) to the Department of Parks and Wildlife for conservation.


Complete: No
Condition status: Complete
Type(s): Land acquisition

PROJECT 3 - Coalfields Highway - SLK 15.9 to 26.34 - upgrade (decision date of 31 July 2014)
This offset involves the acquisition of 60 hectares of native vegetation in excellent to pristine (Keighery 1994) condition that is suitable foraging habitat for Carnaby's cockatoo, Baudin's cockatoo and forest red-tailed black cockatoo.
When combined with offsets 3 and 4, a total of 79.24 hectares of native vegetation suitable as black cockatoo foraging habitat will be acquired for conservation/rehabilitated. A total of 2411 trees suitable as potential breeding and roosting trees will also be established/acquired for conservation.
The size of the three offsets combined was determined to be suitable based on calculations undertaken using the Commonwealth Offsets Assessment Guide. The offsets combined are considered to be relevant and proportionate to the significance of the environmental values being impacted, counterbalancing the residual impacts of the project.

Security arrangements:

The offset site will be owned and managed by the Department of Parks and Wildlife for conservation.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Portion of Lot 14 on Plan 42592, Cookernup (Lot 14 Riverdale Rd, Cookernup).

Approved offset area (ha): 60.0
Bioregion(s): Swan Coastal Plain
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

Condition Milestone 1 - relates to permit condition 13(d)
Once the Permit Holder has developed an offset proposal, the Permit Holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO's approval.


Prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset is related, and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 - relates to permit condition 13(f)
The Permit Holder must implement the latest version of the offset proposal approved by the CEO.


Refer Implementation Milestone 1

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 2
In accordance with the approved offset proposal, MRWA is to fund the purchase of 60 hectares of Lot 14 on Plan 42592, Cookernup to be ceded to the Department of Parks and Wildlife for conservation.


Prior to clearing.

Complete: Yes
Condition status: Complete
Type(s): Land acquisition

PROJECT 4 - Narrogin Link Road Stage 2 South (decision date of 25 August 2014).
The approved offset involved the provision of funds for the acquisition of 5.8 hectares of native vegetation containing similar environmental values to those being lost through the approved clearing.
The size of the offset required was determined using the Commonwealth Offsets Assessment Guide.
With the funds provided a total of 5.8 hectares of remnant native vegetation has been purchased. The vegetation occurs across five adjoining lots totaling 407.4 hectares, each entirely covered by remnant native vegetation. The difference of 401.6 hectares was funded through offset fund contributions received as a result of clearing permit conditions imposed on three other Main Roads Western Australia projects:
1. CPS 818/11 - York Merredin Road - SLK 51 to 66 - widening and Dangin Mears Road intersection upgrade - 30.86 hectares
2. CPS 818/12 - Narrogin Link Road Stage 3 North - 4.8 hectares
3. CPS 6800/1 - York Merredin Road - SLK 1.95 to 51 - widening - 365.94 hectares
Note: The offset area displayed in the map is that of the entire 407.4 hectares (i.e. all five lots).
Based on information obtained from a site inspection undertaken by Department of Environment Regulation officers, it is considered that the five lots contain the following environmental values:
- suitable foraging, nesting and roosting habitat for black cockatoos;
- suitable foraging and breeding habitat for red-tailed phascogale;
- approximately 278 hectares of vegetation representative of the threatened ecological community Eucalypt Woodlands of the Western Australian Wheatbelt; and
- vegetation significant as a remnant in an area that has been extensively cleared (the vegetation is mapped as Beard vegetation association 946 which retains approximately 19 per cent of its pre-European extent in the Avon Wheatbelt bioregion).
The majority of the vegetation is dominated by Eucalyptus wandoo and was considered to be in very good condition or better based on the Keighery (1994) scale. Large trees with hollows were observed regularly. Potential evidence of black cockatoo foraging on Banksia prionotes was also observed and black cockatoo calls were heard from nearby vegetation.
Given the above, the offset is considered to be relevant and proportionate to the significance of the environmental values being impacted, counterbalancing the residual impacts of the project.
Note: A portion of the funds provided remains unspent. Upon expenditure, further details will be published.

Security arrangements:

The five lots purchased are now owned by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and will be managed for conservation.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:


Approved offset area (ha): 5.8
Bioregion(s): Avon Wheatbelt
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

Condition Milestone 1 - relates to Permit condition 13(d)
Once the Permit Holder has developed an offset proposal, the Permit Holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO's approval.


Prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset is related, and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 - relates to permit condition 13(f)
The Permit Holder must implement the latest version of the offset proposal approved by the CEO.


Refer Implementation Milestone 1

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 2
In accordance with the approved offset proposal, MRWA is to provide funding of $87,771 to the Department of Environment Regulation.


Timeframe (date): 2014-10-22
Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 2 - relates to Implementation Milestone 1
Department of Environment Regulation to purchase 5.8 hectares of native vegetation that contains similar environmental values to that permitted to be cleared.


Complete: Yes
Condition status: Complete
Type(s): Land acquisition

PROJECT 5 - Margaret River Perimeter Road Stage 1 (decision date of 6 November 2014)
The approved offset involved the provision of a monetary contribution of $65,360 for the acquisition of 4.3 hectares of remnant native vegetation containing black cockatoo habitat values for inclusion in the conservation estate. The area to be acquired was calculated using the Commonwealth Offsets Assessment Guide.
With the funds provided, a portion of Lot 224 on Plan 2087, Nambeelup (now Lot 401 on Deposited Plan 405854, Nambeelup) was purchased for conservation. Lot 401 is approximately 83 hectares in size and contains approximately 70 hectares of remnant native vegetation. The vegetation present is, for the most part, a woodland dominated by Eucalyptus marginata, Allocasuarina sp. and Banksia spp. The property also includes a section of the Nambeelup Brook including associated riparian vegetation. The majority of the vegetation is estimated to be in very good (Keighery 1994) condition.
The vegetation present on Lot 401 includes suitable foraging, roosting and nesting habitat for Carnaby's cockatoo, Baudin's cockatoo and forest red-tailed black cockatoo. The vegetation is mapped as Bassendean Complex Central and South which retains 26 per cent of its pre-European extent. The vegetation is considered to represent significant remnant vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared. The vegetation is also considered to form ecological linkages with surrounding remnant vegetation.
The funds provided enabled 5.66 hectares of the 70 hectares of remnant vegetation to be purchased. Offsets Fund contributions received as a condition of the following clearing permits were also used to acquire Lot 401:
- CPS 5207 Ellenbrook Management Pty Ltd (0.52 hectares)
- CPS 5304 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth (2.16 hectares)
- CPS 5487 The Roman Catholic Bishop of Bunbury (5.44 hectares)
- CPS 5759 Capricorn Investment Group Pty Ltd & Yanchep Sun City Pty Ltd (2.16 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Margaret River Perimeter Road Stage 2 (27.16 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Reid Highway Malaga Drive Interchange (5.14 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Reid Highway duplication Duffy Road to Erindale Road (6.73 hectares)
- CPS 185/5 Water Corporation Baldivis Pressure Main Dixon Road (3.25 hectares)
- CPS 185/6 Water Corporation Baldivis Sewage Pump Station to East Rockingham Wastewater Treatment Plant Pressure Main (8.81 hectares)
- CPS 185/6 Water Corporation Baldivis DN1400 Outlet Tamworth (2.97 hectares)
Note: The offset boundary displayed is that of the entire of Lot 401.
Given the above, the offset is considered relevant and proportionate to the significance of the environmental values being impacted, counterbalancing the significant residual impacts of the clearing.

Security arrangements:

The offset site will be owned and managed by the Department of Parks and Wildlife for conservation in perpetuity.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Lot 401 on Deposited Plan 405854, Nambeelup

Approved offset area (ha): 4.3
Bioregion(s): Swan Coastal Plain
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

Condition Milestone 1 - relates to permit condition 13(d)
Once the Permit Holder has developed an offset proposal, the Permit Holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO's approval.


Prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset is related, and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 - relates to permit condition 13(f)
The Permit Holder must implement the latest version of the offset proposal approved by the CEO.


Refer Implementation Milestone 1

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 2
In accordance with the approved offset proposal, MRWA is to provide funding of $65,360 to the Department of Environment Regulation.


Timeframe (date): 2014-12-04
Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 2 - relates to Implementation Milestone 1
Department of Environment Regulation to purchase 4.3 hectares of native vegetation that contains similar environmental values to that permitted to be cleared.


Complete: Yes
Condition status: Complete
Type(s): Land acquisition

PROJECT 6 - Margaret River Perimeter Road Stage 2 (decision date of 6 November 2014)
The approved offset involved the provision of a monetary contribution of $372,400 for the acquisition of 22.3 hectares of remnant native vegetation containing black cockatoo habitat values, and 2.2 hectares of remnant native vegetation containing western ringtail possum habitat values (i.e. a total of 24.5 hectares), for inclusion in the conservation estate. The area to be acquired was calculated using the Commonwealth Offsets Assessment Guide.
With the funds provided, portions of the following three properties totaling 31.7 hectares were purchased for conservation:
- Lot 401 on Deposited Plan 405854, Nambeelup (formerly part of Lot 224 on Plan 2087, Nambeelup) (27.16 hectares)
- Lots 217 and 218 on Plan 4918, Vasse (1.93 hectares)
- Lot 4470 on Plan 29854, Karridale (2.61 hectares)
Lot 401 contains remnant vegetation with black cockatoo habitat values, Lots 217 and 218 contain remnant vegetation with western ringtail possum habitat values, and Lot 4470 contains remnant vegetation with both black cockatoo and western ringtail possum habitat values.
Given the above, the offset is considered relevant and proportionate to the significance of the environmental values being impacted, counterbalancing the significant residual impacts of the clearing.
The following provides a more detailed description of each property.
Lot 401 is approximately 83 hectares in size and contains approximately 70 hectares of remnant native vegetation. The vegetation present is, for the most part, a woodland dominated by Eucalyptus marginata, Allocasuarina sp. and Banksia spp. The property also includes a section of the Nambeelup Brook including associated riparian vegetation. The majority of the vegetation is estimated to be in very good (Keighery 1994) condition.
The vegetation present on Lot 401 includes suitable foraging, roosting and nesting habitat for Carnaby's cockatoo, Baudin's cockatoo and forest red-tailed black cockatoo. The vegetation is mapped as Bassendean Complex Central and South which retains 26 per cent of its pre-European extent. The vegetation is considered to represent significant remnant vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared. The vegetation is also considered to form ecological linkages with surrounding remnant vegetation.
The funds provided enabled 27.16 hectares of the 70 hectares of remnant vegetation on Lot 401 to be purchased. Offsets Fund contributions received as a condition of the following clearing permits were also used to acquire Lot 401:
- CPS 5207 Ellenbrook Management Pty Ltd (0.52 hectares)
- CPS 5304 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth (2.16 hectares)
- CPS 5487 The Roman Catholic Bishop of Bunbury (5.44 hectares)
- CPS 5759 Capricorn Investment Group Pty Ltd & Yanchep Sun City Pty Ltd (2.16 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Margaret River Perimeter Road Stage 1 (5.66 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Reid Highway Malaga Drive Interchange (5.14 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Reid Highway duplication Duffy Road to Erindale Road (6.73 hectares)
- CPS 185/5 Water Corporation Baldivis Pressure Main Dixon Road (3.25 hectares)
- CPS 185/6 Water Corporation Baldivis Sewage Pump Station to East Rockingham Wastewater Treatment Plant Pressure Main (8.81 hectares)
- CPS 185/6 Water Corporation Baldivis DN1400 Outlet Tamworth (2.97 hectares)
Note: The offset boundary displayed for Lot 401 is that of the entire of Lot 401.
Lots 217 and 218 are each approximately 8.1 hectares in size and contain a combined total of approximately 4 hectares of remnant native vegetation. The vegetation present is dominated by Melaleuca rhaphiophylla, Melaleuca viminea, Melaleuca osullivanii, Eucalyptus rudis and Agonis flexuosa. The lots also contain areas of wetland and are located adjacent to the Broadwater Nature Reserve. The majority of the vegetation is estimated to be in degraded (Keighery 1994) condition. The vegetation present includes suitable western ringtail possum habitat. With the funds provided, 1.93 hectares of vegetation across Lots 217 and 218 was purchased.
Note: The offset boundary displayed for Lots 217 and 218 is the 1.93 hectares purchased.
Lot 4470 is approximately 197.4 hectares in size and contains approximately 114.5 hectares of remnant vegetation. The vegetation present comprises of 58.1 hectares of wetland vegetation and 56.4 hectares of upland remnant vegetation consisting of jarrah and marri.
The vegetation on Lot 4470 includes foraging and possibly nesting habitat for Carnaby's cockatoo, Baudin's cockatoo and forest red-tailed black cockatoo. The vegetation on the property also includes suitable habitat for the western ringtail possum, and core habitat for another critically endangered fauna species. All three black cockatoo species and the western ringtail possum have been recorded on neighbouring properties within similar habitat.
The vegetation is considered to represent significant remnant vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared with the wetland vegetation representing 6% of the remaining extent (less than 1000 ha) of the Glenarty Hills wet (Hw) vegetation complex. The vegetation is also considered to form ecological linkages with surrounding remnant vegetation including areas already reserved for conservation. It follows that the vegetation is considered to contain a high level of biodiversity.
The funds provided enabled 2.61 hectares of the 114.5 hectares of remnant vegetation on Lot 4470 to be purchased. Offset Fund contributions received as a condition of the following clearing permits were also used to acquire Lot 4470:
- CPS 6895/1 Wests Gravel Pit (35.85 hectares)
- CPS 818/12 Donnybrook – Kojonup Road Widening SLK 6 to 27.6 (10.50 hectares)
- CPS 818/12 Pinjarra Williams Road Widening & Realignment SLK 13.8 to 21.5 (31.00 hectares)
- CPS 818/12 Collie Lake King Rd Gibbs Siding Widening and Realignment SLK 86.3 to 91 (13.95hectares)
- CPS 818/6 South Coast Highway Manypeaks SLK 33.5 to 35 (11.40 hectares)
- CPS 818/12 South Coast Highway Cheynes West Section reconstruction and realignment SLK 39.9 to 44.5 (9.18 hectares)
Note: The offset boundary displayed for Lot 4470 is that of the entire of Lot 4470.

Security arrangements:

All properties aquired will be owned and managed for conservation by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Lot 401 on Deposited Plan 405854, Nambeelup
Lots 217 and 218 on Plan 4918, Vasse
Lot 4470 on Plan 29854, Karridale

Approved offset area (ha): 24.5
Bioregion(s): Swan Coastal Plain, Warren
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

Condition Milestone 1 - relates to permit condition 13(d)
Once the Permit Holder has developed an offset proposal, the Permit Holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO's approval.


Prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset is related, and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 - relates to permit condition 13(f)
The Permit Holder must implement the latest version of the offset proposal approved by the CEO.


Refer Implementation Milestone 1

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 2
In accordance with the approved offset proposal, MRWA is to provide funding of $372,400 to the Department of Environment Regulation.


Prior to clearing.

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 2 - relates to Implementation Milestone 1
Department of Environment Regulation to purchase 24.5 hectares of native vegetation that contains similar environmental values to that permitted to be cleared.


Complete: Yes
Condition status: Complete
Type(s): Land acquisition

PROJECT 7 - Reid Highway Malaga Drive interchange (decision date of 6 November 2014)
The approved offset involved the provision of a monetary contribution of $59,436 for the acquisition of 5.2 hectares of remnant native vegetation containing similar environmental values to that permitted to be cleared. The area to be acquired was calculated using the Commonwealth Offsets Assessment Guide.
With the funds provided, a portion of Lot 224 on Plan 2087, Nambeelup (now Lot 401 on Deposited Plan 405854, Nambeelup) was purchased for conservation. Lot 401 is approximately 83 hectares in size and contains approximately 70 hectares of remnant native vegetation. The vegetation present is, for the most part, a woodland dominated by Eucalyptus marginata, Allocasuarina sp. and Banksia spp. The property also includes a section of the Nambeelup Brook including associated riparian vegetation. The majority of the vegetation is estimated to be in very good (Keighery 1994) condition.
The vegetation present on Lot 401 includes suitable foraging, roosting and nesting habitat for Carnaby's cockatoo, Baudin's cockatoo and forest red-tailed black cockatoo. The vegetation is mapped as Bassendean Complex Central and South which retains 26 per cent of its pre-European extent. The vegetation is considered to represent significant remnant vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared. The vegetation is also considered to form ecological linkages with surrounding remnant vegetation.
Lot 401 is located outside of the Bush Forever study area but occurs within the Green Growth Plan strategic assessment area and is therefore considered appropriate for counterbalancing the loss of Bush Forever vegetation.
The funds provided enabled 5.14 hectares of the 70 hectares of remnant vegetation to be purchased. Offsets Fund contributions received as a condition of the following clearing permits were also used to acquire Lot 401:
- CPS 5207 Ellenbrook Management Pty Ltd (0.52 hectares)
- CPS 5304 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth (2.16 hectares)
- CPS 5487 The Roman Catholic Bishop of Bunbury (5.44 hectares)
- CPS 5759 Capricorn Investment Group Pty Ltd & Yanchep Sun City Pty Ltd (2.16 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Margaret River Perimeter Road Stage 1 (5.66 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Margaret River Perimeter Road Stage 2 (27.16 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Reid Highway duplication Duffy Road to Erindale Road (6.73 hectares)
- CPS 185/5 Water Corporation Baldivis Pressure Main Dixon Road (3.25 hectares)
- CPS 185/6 Water Corporation Baldivis Sewage Pump Station to East Rockingham Wastewater Treatment Plant Pressure Main (8.81 hectares)
- CPS 185/6 Water Corporation Baldivis DN1400 Outlet Tamworth (2.97 hectares)
Note: The offset boundary displayed is that of the entire of Lot 401.

Security arrangements:

The offset site will be owned and managed by the Department of Parks and Wildlife for conservation in perpetuity.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Lot 401 on Deposited Plan 405854, Nambeelup

Approved offset area (ha): 5.2
Bioregion(s): Swan Coastal Plain
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

Condition Milestone 1 - relates to permit condition 13(d)
Once the Permit Holder has developed an offset proposal, the Permit Holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO's approval.


Prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset is related, and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 - relates to permit condition 13(f)
The Permit Holder must implement the latest version of the offset proposal approved by the CEO.


Refer Implementation Milestone 1

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 2
In accordance with the approved offset proposal, MRWA is to provide funding of $59,436 to the Department of Environment Regulation.


Timeframe (date): 2014-12-04
Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 2 - relates to Implementation Milestone 1
Department of Environment Regulation to purchase 5.2 hectares of native vegetation that contains similar environmental values to that permitted to be cleared.


Complete: No
Condition status: Complete
Type(s): Land acquisition

PROJECT 8 - Reid Highway duplication Duffy Road to Erindale Road (decision date of 6 November 2014)
The approved offset involved the provision of a monetary contribution of $77,724 for the acquisition of 6.8 hectares of remnant native vegetation containing similar environmental values to that permitted to be cleared for inclusion in the conservation estate. The area to be acquired was calculated using the Commonwealth Offsets Assessment Guide.
With the funds provided, a portion of Lot 224 on Plan 2087, Nambeelup (now Lot 401 on Deposited Plan 405854, Nambeelup) was purchased for conservation. Lot 401 is approximately 83 hectares in size and contains approximately 70 hectares of remnant native vegetation. The vegetation present is, for the most part, a woodland dominated by Eucalyptus marginata, Allocasuarina sp. and Banksia spp. The property also includes a section of the Nambeelup Brook including associated riparian vegetation. The majority of the vegetation is estimated to be in very good (Keighery 1994) condition.
The vegetation present on Lot 401 includes suitable foraging, roosting and nesting habitat for Carnaby's cockatoo, Baudin's cockatoo and forest red-tailed black cockatoo. The vegetation is mapped as Bassendean Complex Central and South which retains 26 per cent of its pre-European extent. The vegetation is considered to represent significant remnant vegetation in an area that has been extensively cleared. The vegetation is also considered to form ecological linkages with surrounding remnant vegetation.
The funds provided enabled 6.73 hectares of the 70 hectares of remnant vegetation to be purchased. Offsets Fund contributions received as a condition of the following clearing permits were also used to acquire Lot 401:
- CPS 5207 Ellenbrook Management Pty Ltd (0.52 hectares)
- CPS 5304 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth (2.16 hectares)
- CPS 5487 The Roman Catholic Bishop of Bunbury (5.44 hectares)
- CPS 5759 Capricorn Investment Group Pty Ltd & Yanchep Sun City Pty Ltd (2.16 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Margaret River Perimeter Road Stage 1 (5.66 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Margaret River Perimeter Road Stage 2 (27.16 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Reid Highway Malaga Drive Interchange (5.14 hectares)
- CPS 185/5 Water Corporation Baldivis Pressure Main Dixon Road (3.25 hectares)
- CPS 185/6 Water Corporation Baldivis Sewage Pump Station to East Rockingham Wastewater Treatment Plant Pressure Main (8.81 hectares)
- CPS 185/6 Water Corporation Baldivis DN1400 Outlet Tamworth (2.97 hectares)
Note: The offset boundary displayed is that of the entire of Lot 401.

Security arrangements:

The offset site will be owned and managed by the Department of Parks and Wildlife for conservation in perpetuity.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Lot 401 on Deposited Plan 405854, Nambeelup

Approved offset area (ha): 6.8
Bioregion(s): Swan Coastal Plain
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

Condition Milestone 1 - relates to permit condition 13(d)
Once the Permit Holder has developed an offset proposal, the Permit Holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO's approval.


Prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset is related, and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 - relates to permit condition 13(f)
The Permit Holder must implement the latest version of the offset proposal approved by the CEO.


Refer Implementation Milestone 1

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 2
In accordance with the approved offset proposal, MRWA is to provide funding of $77,724 to the Department of Environment Regulation.


Timeframe (date): 2014-12-04
Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 2 - relates to Implementation Milestone 1
Department of Environment Regulation to purchase 6.8 hectares of native vegetation that contains similar environmental values to that permitted to be cleared.


Complete: No
Condition status: Current
Type(s): Rehabilitation

PROJECT 9 - Albany Highway SLK 242.4 to 248.4 - upgrade north of Kojonup (decision date of 3 April 2014).
The offset includes the establishment of 1.65 hectares of native vegetation using species consistent with Beard Vegetation Association 4. This includes the establishment of at least 200 potential Carnaby's cockatoo, Baudin's cockatoo and forest red-tailed black-cockatoo habitat trees per hectare.
The offset is expected to establish native vegetation in as good as, or better condition, than the cleared area. The offset is also expected to contain a substantially greater number of potential Carnaby's cockatoo, Baudin's cockatoo and forest red-tailed black-cockatoo habitat trees than the cleared area.
Given the above the offset is considered relevant and proportionate to the significance of the environmental values being impacted, counterbalancing the residual impacts of the project.

Security arrangements:

The offset site occurs in road reserve owned by Main Roads Western Australia who will manage the site for conservation.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Portion of the Albany Highway road reserve (PINs 1137862, 1390272 and 1390273) adjacent to the southern end of the project

Approved offset area (ha): 1.65
Bioregion(s): Jarrah Forest
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

Condition Milestone 1 - relates to permit condition 13(d)
Once the Permit Holder has developed an offset proposal, the Permit Holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO's approval.


Prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset is related, and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 - relates to permit condition 13(f)
The Permit Holder must implement the latest version of the offset proposal approved by the CEO.


Refer implementation milestone

Complete: No

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 2
In accordance with the approved offset proposal, MRWA is to implement the "Albany Highway SLK 242.4-248.4 Offset Proposal, February 2014" which includes, but is not limited to, the following rehabilitation requirements:
Site preparation:
- ripping
- weed control
Vegetation establishment:
- planting at a rate of 2000 stems per hectare with at least 5 tree (at least 3 of which will be black cockatoo habitat tree species) and 10 shrub species
- monitoring of at least five randomised quadrats or row sections to determine species present and plant densities
- photographic monitoring of at least 5 locations
- weed control
- rabbit baiting
Remedial actions (if completion criteria are not met):
- infill planting
Completion criteria (after five years):
- a 50% survival rate of tree and shrub species (at least 7 species total with at least 2 species being tree species)
- a 50% survival rate for tree and shrub stems planted per hectare with at least 200 stems per hectare being tree species and at least 200 stems per hectare being shrub species
- at least 200 potential black cockatoo habitat trees per hectare


Site preparation: winter and spring of year prior to initial planting activities and, if required, autumn/early winter immediately prior to planting
Vegetation establishment: late autumn/early winter 2015
Monitoring: annually for 5 years
Maintenance: as required
Remedial actions: as required until 2020

Complete: No
Condition status: Complete
Type(s): Land acquisition

PROJECT 10 - York Merredin Road - SLK 51 to 66 - widening and Dangin Mears Road intersection upgrade (decision dates of 25 August 2014, 21 July 2015 and 27 October 2017)
The approved offset involved the provision of funds for the acquisition of 12.38 hectares of native vegetation containing similar environmental values to those being lost through the approved clearing.
The size of the offset required was determined using the Commonwealth Offsets Assessment Guide.
With the funds provided a total of 30.86 hectares of remnant native vegetation has been purchased. The vegetation occurs across five adjoining lots totaling 407.4 hectares, each entirely covered by remnant native vegetation. The difference of 376.54 hectares was funded through offset fund contributions received as a result of clearing permit conditions imposed on three other Main Roads Western Australia projects:
1. CPS 818/11 - Narrogin Link Road Stage 2 South - 5.8 hectares
2. CPS 818/12 - Narrogin Link Road Stage 3 North - 4.8 hectares
3. CPS 6800/1 - York Merredin Road - SLK 1.95 to 51 - widening - 365.94 hectares
Note: The offset area displayed in the map is that of the entire 407.4 hectares (i.e. all five lots).
Based on information obtained from a site inspection undertaken by Department of Environment Regulation officers, it is considered that the five lots contain the following environmental values:
- suitable foraging, nesting and roosting habitat for black cockatoos;
- suitable foraging and breeding habitat for red-tailed phascogale;
- approximately 278 hectares of vegetation representative of the threatened ecological community Eucalypt Woodlands of the Western Australian Wheatbelt; and
- vegetation significant as a remnant in an area that has been extensively cleared (the vegetation is mapped as Beard vegetation association 946 which retains approximately 19 per cent of its pre-European extent in the Avon Wheatbelt bioregion).
The majority of the vegetation is dominated by Eucalyptus wandoo and was considered to be in very good condition or better based on the Keighery (1994) scale. Large trees with hollows were observed regularly. Potential evidence of black cockatoo foraging on Banksia prionotes was also observed and black cockatoo calls were heard from nearby vegetation.
Given the above, the offset is considered to be relevant and proportionate to the significance of the environmental values being impacted, counterbalancing the residual impacts of the project.
- A portion of the funds provided remains unspent. Upon expenditure, further details will be published.
- Amendments to the approved clearing boundaries were approved on 21 July 2015 and 27 October 2017. These amendments did not result in any change to the amount of clearing approved. The amendments also did not result in an increase to the significant residual impacts assessed for the original version of the clearing boundaries approved 25 August 2014.

Security arrangements:

The five lots purchased are now owned by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and will be managed for conservation.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:


Approved offset area (ha): 12.38
Bioregion(s): Avon Wheatbelt
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

Condition Milestone 1 - relates to Permit condition 13(d)
Once the Permit Holder has developed an offset proposal, the Permit Holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO's approval.


Prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset is related, and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 - relates to permit condition 13(f)
The Permit Holder must implement the latest version of the offset proposal approved by the CEO.


Refer Implementation Milestone 1

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 2
In accordance with the approved offset proposal, the Permit Holder shall provide funds of $60,736 to the Department of Environment Regulation for the purchase of 12.38 hectares of suitable native vegetation.


Timeframe (date): 2014-10-22
Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 2 - relates to Implementation Milestone 1
Department of Environment Regulation to purchase 12.38 hectares of suitable native vegetation.


Complete: Yes