Project number OEPA:13
Project name

Cape Lambert to Emu Siding rail duplication; and
Development of borrow pits within Millstream Chichester National Park

Project status Current
Proponent(s) Robe River Mining Co Pty Ltd (Australian Company Number 008 694 246)
Project location

From the Cape Lambert Port to Emu Siding and in Millstream Chichester National Park

Approved project area (ha) 2413.18


DECISION 1 Date of decision: 18 Dec 2012
Offset Offset Type Offset Area Offset Status Condition Milestones
OFFSET 1 Offset funds None Current

7-1 The proponent shall undertake measures during the implementation of the proposal, in accordance with the proposal and with the agreed Residual Impact package described in the Cape Lambert to Emu Siding Rail Duplication Project Offsets Strategy (June 2011) and summarised in Schedule 3.


Complete: Yes
OFFSET 2 Offset funds None Current

7-1 The proponent shall undertake measures during the implementation of the proposal, in accordance with the proposal and with the agreed Residual Impact package described in the Stage 1: Borrow Pit Project Environmental Offset Package (July 2012) and summarised in Schedule 3.


Complete: Yes