Project number 185/6
Project name

State-wide Purpose Permit Activities

Project status Current
Proponent(s) Water Corporation
Project location

Refer to residual impact field for a list of projects and their location details.

Project bioregion(s) Swan Coastal Plain
Assessment criteria (a) it comprises a high level of biological diversity., (b) it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia., (f) it is growing in, or in association with, an environment associated with a watercourse or wetland., (h) the clearing of the vegetation is likely to have an impact on the environmental values of any adjacent or nearby conservation area.
Residual impact


Project name: Baldivis Sewage Pump Station to East Rockingham Wastewater Treatment Plant Pressure Main
Project location: The project is located between the Baldivis Sewage Pump Station and the proposed East Rockingham Wastewater Treatment Plant. The alignment predominantly follows Eighty Rd, Mundijong Rd and Mandurah Rd.
Approved project area: 6.8ha
Project bioregion: Swan Coastal Plain
Assessment criteria: Clearing Principle H - the clearing of the vegetation is likely to have an impact on the environmental values of any adjacent or nearby conservation area, Clearing Principle F - it is growing in, or in association with, an environment associated with a watercourse or wetland, Clearing Principle B - it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia, Clearing Principle A - it comprises a high level of biological diversity
Residual impact: Loss of up to 6.8 hectares of native vegetation in completely degraded to good (Keighery 1994) condition that includes:
- 4.73 hectares of foraging habitat suitable for Carnaby's cockatoo, forest red-tailed black cockatoo and Baudin's cockatoo;
- potential breeding habitat and roosting trees for Carnaby's cockatoo, forest red-tailed black cockatoo and Baudin's cockatoo;
- 0.1 hectares of vegetation growing in association with a conservation category wetland (Kerosene Lane Swamp); and
- 1.07 hectares of Bush Forever site 356.
Related offset(s): 1


Project name: Baldivis DN1400 Outlet Tamworth
Project location: The project involves the installation of a pressure main between the Tamworth reservoir and the intersection of Baldivis Road and Fifty Road
Approved project area: 1.64ha
Project bioregion: Swan Coastal Plain
Assessment criteria: Clearing Principle H - the clearing of the vegetation is likely to have an impact on the environmental values of any adjacent or nearby conservation area, Clearing Principle B - it comprises the whole or a part of, or is necessary for the maintenance of, a significant habitat for fauna indigenous to Western Australia, Clearing Principle A - it comprises a high level of biological diversity
Residual impact: Loss of up to 1.64 hectares of native vegetation in completely degraded to very good (Keighery 1994) condition that includes:
- 1.64 hectares of foraging habitat suitable for Carnaby's cockatoo, forest red-tailed black cockatoo and Baudin's cockatoo; and
- 1.19 hectares of Bush Forever site 356.
Related offset(s): 2

Offset conditions

CPS 185/6 (active from 10/04/2014 to 10/12/2014):

4. Requirements prior to undertaking clearing
(a) Prior to clearing any native vegetation under this Permit, the permit holder must:
(ii) if an offset is required to be implemented pursuant to condition 8(c), provide the CEO with an offset proposal for the CEO’s approval.

8. Assessment against the Clearing Principles
(c) If part or all of the clearing to be done is or is likely to be at variance with one or more of the clearing principles, then the permit holder must implement an offset in accordance with Part V of this Permit with respect to that native vegetation.

14. Determination of offsets
(a) In determining the offset to be implemented with respect to a particular area of native vegetation proposed to be cleared under this Permit, the permit holder must have regard to the offset principles contained in condition 15 of this Permit.

(b) Once the permit holder has developed an offset proposal, the permit holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO’s approval in accordance with condition 4(a)(ii), prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset related, and prior to implementing the offset.

15. Offset principles
For the purpose of this Part, the offset principles are as follows:
(a) direct offsets should directly counterbalance the loss of the native vegetation;
(b) contributing offsets should complement and enhance the direct offset;
(c) offsets are implemented only once all avenues to avoid, minimise, rectify or reduce environmental impacts have been exhausted;
(d) the environmental values, habitat, species, ecological community, physical area, ecosystem, landscape, and hydrology of the offset should be the same as, or better than, that of the area of native vegetation being offset;
(e) a ratio greater than 1:1 should be applied to the size of the area of native vegetation that is offset to compensate for the risk that the offset may fail;
(f) offsets must entail a robust and consistent assessment process;
(g) in determining an appropriate offset, consideration should be given to ecosystem function, rarity and type of ecological community, vegetation condition, habitat quality and area of native vegetation cleared;
(h) the offset should either result in no net loss of native vegetation, or lead to a net gain in native vegetation and improve the condition of the natural environment;
(i) offsets must satisfy all statutory requirements;
(j) offsets must be clearly defined, documented and audited;
(k) offsets must ensure a long-term (10-30 year) benefit; and
(l) an environmental specialist must be involved in the design, assessment and monitoring of offsets.

16. Duration of offsets
(a) The permit holder must ensure that an offset implemented under this Permit continues to be implemented for the term of this Permit.

(b) If for any reason an offset is not continually implemented for the term of this Permit, the permit holder must:
(i) implement the offset again within 12 months of becoming aware that the offset is not being maintained; and
(ii) if necessary, modify the offset in a manner that increases the likelihood that the offset will be implemented for the term of this Permit.

Statutory process EP Act Clearing (Part V)
Approved project area (ha) 8.44


Date: 2014-04-10 Ministerial statement: None
Condition status: Complete
Type(s): Land acquisition

PROJECT 1 - Baldivis Sewage Pump Station to East Rockingham Wastewater Treatment Plant Pressure Main (decision date of 11 April 2014).
Note: Clearing for this project was approved 11 April 2014, prior to the approval of an offset proposal due to the project's urgent nature as part of the construction program for the East Rockingham Wastewater Treatment Plant. The offset was subsequently approved 18 November 2014.
The approved offset involved the provision of a monetary contribution of $101,841 for the acquisition of 8.91 hectares of remnant native vegetation containing similar environmental values to that permitted to be cleared for inclusion in the conservation estate. The area to be acquired was calculated using the Commonwealth Offsets Assessment Guide.
With the funds provided, a portion of Lot 224 on Plan 2087, Nambeelup (now Lot 401 on Deposited Plan 405854, Nambeelup) was purchased for conservation. Lot 401 is approximately 83 hectares in size and contains approximately 70 hectares of remnant native vegetation. The vegetation present is, for the most part, a woodland dominated by Eucalyptus marginata, Allocasuarina sp. and Banksia spp. The property also includes a section of the Nambeelup Brook including associated riparian vegetation. The majority of the vegetation is estimated to be in very good (Keighery 1994) condition.
The vegetation present on Lot 401 includes suitable foraging, roosting and nesting habitat for Carnaby's cockatoo, Baudin's cockatoo and forest red-tailed black cockatoo.
Lot 401 is located outside of the Bush Forever study area but occurs within the Green Growth Plan strategic assessment area and is therefore considered appropriate for counterbalancing the loss of Bush Forever vegetation.
The funds provided enabled 8.81 hectares of the 70 hectares of remnant vegetation to be purchased. Offsets Fund contributions received as a condition of the following clearing permits were also used to acquire Lot 401:
- CPS 5207 Ellenbrook Management Pty Ltd (0.52 hectares)
- CPS 5304 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth (2.16 hectares)
- CPS 5487 The Roman Catholic Bishop of Bunbury (5.44 hectares)
- CPS 5759 Capricorn Investment Group Pty Ltd & Yanchep Sun City Pty Ltd (2.16 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Margaret River Perimeter Road Stage 1 (5.66 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Margaret River Perimeter Road Stage 2 (27.16 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Reid Highway Malaga Drive Interchange (5.14 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Reid Highway duplication Duffy Road to Erindale Road (6.73 hectares)
- CPS 185/5 Water Corporation Baldivis Pressure Main Dixon Road (3.25 hectares)
- CPS 185/6 Water Corporation Baldivis DN1400 Outlet Tamworth (2.97 hectares)
Note: The offset boundary displayed is that of the entire of Lot 401.

Security arrangements:

The offset site will be owned and managed by the Department of Parks and Wildlife for conservation in perpetuity.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Lot 401 on Deposited Plan 405854, Nambeelup

Approved offset area (ha): 8.91
Bioregion(s): Swan Coastal Plain
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

Condition Milestone 1 – relates to permit conditions 8(c) and 16
If part or all of the clearing to be done is or is likely to be at variance with one or more of the clearing principles, then the permit holder must implement an offset in accordance with Part V of CPS 185/6 with respect to that native vegetation being cleared.


For the term of the permit.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 – relates to permit conditions 4(a)(ii) and 14(b)
Once the permit holder has developed an offset proposal, the permit holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO's approval.


Prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset relates and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 1
In accordance with the approved offset proposal, Water Corporation is to provide funding of $101,841 to the Department of Environment Regulation.


Timeframe (date): 2014-12-24
Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 2 - relates to Implementation Milestone 1
Department of Environment Regulation to purchase 8.91 hectares of native vegetation that contains similar environmental values to that permitted to be cleared.


Complete: No
Condition status: Complete
Type(s): Land acquisition

PROJECT 2  - Baldivis DN1400 Outlet Tamworth (decision date of 18 November 2014).
The approved offset involved the provision of a monetary contribution of $34,290 for the acquisition of 3 hectares of remnant native vegetation containing similar environmental values to that permitted to be cleared for inclusion in the conservation estate. The area to be acquired was calculated using the Commonwealth Offsets Assessment Guide.
With the funds provided, a portion of Lot 224 on Plan 2087, Nambeelup (now Lot 401 on Deposited Plan 405854, Nambeelup) was purchased for conservation. Lot 401 is approximately 83 hectares in size and contains approximately 70 hectares of remnant native vegetation. The vegetation present is, for the most part, a woodland dominated by Eucalyptus marginata, Allocasuarina sp. and Banksia spp. The property also includes a section of the Nambeelup Brook including associated riparian vegetation. The majority of the vegetation is estimated to be in very good (Keighery 1994) condition.
The vegetation present on Lot 401 includes suitable foraging, roosting and nesting habitat for Carnaby's cockatoo, Baudin's cockatoo and forest red-tailed black cockatoo.
Lot 401 is located outside of the Bush Forever study area but occurs within the Green Growth Plan strategic assessment area and is therefore considered appropriate for counterbalancing the loss of Bush Forever vegetation.
The funds provided enabled 2.97 hectares of the 70 hectares of remnant vegetation to be purchased. Offsets Fund contributions received as a condition of the following clearing permits were also used to acquire Lot 401:
- CPS 5207 Ellenbrook Management Pty Ltd (0.52 hectares)
- CPS 5304 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth (2.16 hectares)
- CPS 5487 The Roman Catholic Bishop of Bunbury (5.44 hectares)
- CPS 5759 Capricorn Investment Group Pty Ltd & Yanchep Sun City Pty Ltd (2.16 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Margaret River Perimeter Road Stage 1 (5.66 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Margaret River Perimeter Road Stage 2 (27.16 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Reid Highway Malaga Drive Interchange (5.14 hectares)
- CPS 818/11 MRWA Reid Highway duplication Duffy Road to Erindale Road (6.73 hectares)
- CPS 185/5 Water Corporation Baldivis Pressure Main Dixon Road (3.25 hectares)
- CPS 185/6 Water Corporation Baldivis Sewage Pump Station to East Rockingham Wastewater Treatment Plant Pressure Main (8.81 hectares)
Note: The offset boundary displayed is that of the entire of Lot 401.

Security arrangements:

The offset site will be owned and managed by the Department of Parks and Wildlife for conservation in perpetuity.

Governance arrangements:

Offset location:

Lot 401 on Deposited Plan 405854, Nambeelup

Approved offset area (ha): 3.0
Bioregion(s): Swan Coastal Plain
Delivery agent:

Document attachments:

Condition Milestone 1 – relates to permit conditions 8(c) and 16
If part or all of the clearing to be done is or is likely to be at variance with one or more of the clearing principles, then the permit holder must implement an offset in accordance with Part V of CPS 185/6 with respect to that native vegetation being cleared.


For the term of the permit.

Complete: Yes

Condition Milestone 2 – relates to Condition Milestone 1 and permit conditions 4(a)(ii) and 14(b)
Once the permit holder has developed an offset proposal, the permit holder must provide that offset proposal to the CEO for the CEO's approval.


Prior to undertaking any clearing to which the offset relates and prior to implementing the offset.

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 1 - relates to Condition Milestone 1

In accordance with the approved offset proposal, Water Corporation is to provide funding of $34,290 to the Department of Environment Regulation.


Prior to clearing.

Complete: Yes

Implementation Milestone 2 - relates to Implementation Milestone 1

Department of Environment Regulation to purchase 3 hectares of native vegetation that contains similar environmental values to that permitted to be cleared.


Complete: No